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  1. #1
    Community Member axamana's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Default Starting ability points between races question

    The starting ability points have me a little confused. Why do warforged and half-orcs get shafted? I mean humans start with 8 across the board and elves have 2 taken from con and given to dex. Halflings get 2 from str and given to dex. Drows get -2 to con and +2 to dex, int and cha which turbine justified by giving 4 fewer points to spend upon creation. I understand all that. What I don't understand is that warforged have 2 given to con and -2 to wis and cha. Half-orcs have 2 given to str but -2 int and cha. why don't those 2 races get 30/34 point builds to start or have 1 more ability raised to 10 to start?
    Can anyone tell me why turbine nerfed these 2 races? You're not getting true 28/32 point builds with these races. You're getting 26/30 point builds

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010


    Don't look at Turbine. Blame the source material.

    Not every race has to be perfect for every class. Robots are popular for many classes despite their loss of two build points due to various reasons (e.g., racial Reconstruct for Bladeforged, heal-to-full Reconstruct on arcane Warforged, cheaper investment in CON for same result, allowing you to put points into other abilities).
    I Cannith-craft (150 levels in all schools) for free on Thelanis if you provide all needed materials.
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  3. #3
    Founder & Hero
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    It use to be str was a more valuable stat to have so it had to be paid for as to warforged even though they have been nerfed a little their special abilities have to be paid for such as immunity to level drain no need for a underwater action item and immunity to hold person

    Beware the Sleepeater

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