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  1. #1
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Default Advice on more ki plz

    Hello everyone,

    i noted that my Monk (pure Lvl28 core6 shintao, unarmed, mainly earth-stance) is more and more lacking of ki to be really optimum useful. I know it depends on gear and enhancements. Actual config:
    -Henshin-Tree: T1 Way of the Elegant Crane: +4 on critical hits (but i don´t like it coz i get -4 on fortitude saves)
    -Shintao-Tree: T2 Contemplation (+1 passive)
    -GMoF ED Core6 (+1 passive) + T1 Enlightenment (+1 passive)

    I just Need more ki for more QP, SF etc !

    So wearing flawless white dragon scale and not spiderspun, i thought about:
    -Sacricfice Vorpal Strike (i took for lvl27 feat), get blinding speed, Drop Jorg-collar and wear Alchemist's Pendant/ Oremi´s Necklace
    Is it worth?

    Who can recommend a good config for more ki?
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 10-23-2014 at 08:40 AM.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  2. #2


    hey Robbenclopper--I'm assuming you've tried just dropping into fire stance occassionally? You could also do temporary swaps, like the alchemist's pendant and chug haste pots. Or both (fire stance& gear swap). Sounds like a good configuration so why mess with it.
    I always keep the spider-spun since the set bonus is so useful
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    T1 henshin enhancement Contemplation: +1/+2/+3 Concentration and Will Saves. Rank 3: Your passive Ki regeneration is increased by 1

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Hello everyone,

    i noted that my Monk (pure Lvl28 core6 shintao, unarmed, mainly earth-stance) is more and more lacking of ki to be really optimum useful. I know it depends on gear and enhancements. Actual config:
    -Henshin-Tree: T1 Way of the Elegant Crane: +4 on critical hits (but i don´t like it coz i get -4 on fortitude saves)
    -Shintao-Tree: T2 Contemplation (+1 passive)
    -GMoF ED Core6 (+1 passive) + T1 Enlightenment (+1 passive)

    I just Need more ki for more QP, SF etc !

    So wearing flawless white dragon scale and not spiderspun, i thought about:
    -Sacricfice Vorpal Strike (i took for lvl27 feat), get blinding speed, Drop Jorg-collar and wear Alchemist's Pendant/ Oremi´s Necklace
    Is it worth?

    Who can recommend a good config for more ki?
    I wouldnt sacrifice vorpal strikes. speed boosts are easy to come by and dont really effect ki regen as you'd like. being able to kill quicker is better then attacking quicker even if your goal is to build up ki.
    Also elegant crane is worth it, and the -4 to fort is barely noticable, so its benefits far outweigh its cost.
    Also to build it up quicker, you can switch to firestance for a fight or two, probably wont even need it for the entire fight against one mob as fire stance builds it uo quick.

    Your base maximum ki is equal to ten times the character's monk level, plus forty, plus five times your Wisdom modifier. If your max is too low, then work on raising your wisdom score.

    Your stable ki level (where it doesnt decrease from and will increase when below.), where you will no longer lose ki, is equal to your Concentration score. If your stable ki is too low, increase your concentration and buff it up further with passive ki. (I believe each point of passive ki increases the stable ki by a multiple of your concentration for each +1.

    passive ki effects.
    Stealthy: A Tier 1 Ninja Spy ability. Gain +1 to passive ki regeneration when trained to rank 3 and only when using Sneak.
    Contemplation: A Tier 2 Henshin Mystic ability or Tier 2 Kensei "Ascetic Training". Gain +1 passive ki regeneration when trained to rank 3. (Kensei and Mystic versions are anti-requisites and cannot be stacked.)
    Greater or Ultimate Ocean Stance Monk feats: Gain +1 passive ki regeneration.
    Serenity: The last core enhancement at level 20 for Henshin Mystics. Gain +1 passive ki regeneration.
    Way of the Tenacious Badger: A Tier 1 Henshin Mystic animal form. Gain +1 passive ki regeneration when your hit points drop to 50% or less.
    Enlightenment: A Tier 1 Grandmaster of Flowers ability; Gain +1 passive ki regeneration at rank 3.
    Balance in All Things: The sixth and final innate ability of the Epic Destiny Grandmaster of Flowers: Gain +1 passive ki regeneration.

  5. #5
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Hi all. thx for your replies first.

    I´m mainly running in earth-stance and don´t want to switch to fire or ocean inbetween (what i do if needed, yes). Ninja-spy sneaking is no option for me, too. I have C6 serenity on my henshin-monk, but with this one asking for i always stay on C6 shintao for all the enhancements there. Way of the badger is of less use coz the benefit is for too short time. That´s the thing, all listed options i tried in many variants
    Don´t know how to build up more than 52 Wis already, ki-pool is big enough, and drains sooooo fast

    Already making use of these ...
    -Henshin-Tree: T1 Way of the Elegant Crane: +4 on critical hits
    -Shintao-Tree: T2 Contemplation (+1 passive)
    -GMoF ED Core6 (+1 passive) + T1 Enlightenment (+1 passive)

    Now that there is less gear with enhanced ki, i´m afraid the necklace has to do, but besides this effect, it´s not the best.
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  6. #6
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    Gear/Feats/Enhancements around ki gen is challenging.

    I’d make sure to have alacrity/haste of some form.

    Ditto extra ki gen item.

    Don’t mess around with sun stance. Your job is to punch
    monsters, not dance around between stances.

    Don't fool around with enhancements that lower your fort
    save. Being disintegrated, turned to stone, etc is not fun.

    Only take passive ki gen enhancements if they also do
    something really useful besides increase ki. Passive ki
    gen is really slow. Alacrity and a +ki item will handle most
    ki needs.

    If you’re going to stay 28, here is what I’d do:

    Keep vorpal strikes
    Boots of the Innocent for attack speed increase
    Alchemical necklace for ki gen

    If you’re leveling 20-28 frequently, swap at certain levels:
    Keep vorpal strikes
    Crafted Alacrity --> Pirate Boots --> Boots of the Innocent
    Oremi+Ring (only if you have the ring) OR Alchemical necklace OR spider outfit
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  7. #7
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    Epic Frozen Tunic? Even if it's just used a s a swap in item, it might help.
    Quote Originally Posted by gphysalis View Post
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel666 View Post
    Epic Frozen Tunic? Even if it's just used a s a swap in item, it might help.

    Actually that's probably the best thing to wear until level 25, and then swap to black dragon.

    Totally slipped my mind since my monk play has been with a bladeforged lately.
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  9. #9
    Community Member DarkSable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbenklopper View Post
    Hi all. thx for your replies first.

    I´m mainly running in earth-stance and don´t want to switch to fire or ocean inbetween (what i do if needed, yes). Ninja-spy sneaking is no option for me, too. I have C6 serenity on my henshin-monk, but with this one asking for i always stay on C6 shintao for all the enhancements there. Way of the badger is of less use coz the benefit is for too short time. That´s the thing, all listed options i tried in many variants
    Don´t know how to build up more than 52 Wis already, ki-pool is big enough, and drains sooooo fast

    Already making use of these ...
    -Henshin-Tree: T1 Way of the Elegant Crane: +4 on critical hits
    -Shintao-Tree: T2 Contemplation (+1 passive)
    -GMoF ED Core6 (+1 passive) + T1 Enlightenment (+1 passive)

    Now that there is less gear with enhanced ki, i´m afraid the necklace has to do, but besides this effect, it´s not the best.
    It drains so fast? Alright, let's check for the simple things:

    You have a maxxed out Concentration skill, correct?

    I know that I messed that up when monks first came out, and it was the cause of several re-rolls.

    What all are you using that's causing your ki to drain so quickly? I've found that there's not usually a problem; if it's a red name that I can take advantage of cycling elemental strikes on, I switch over to fire stance.

    Also, a quick fix would be any one of the three outfits (Vestments of the Sun Soul, Spider-Spun Caparison, and Epic Frozen Tunic, two of which have already been mentioned) that give one extra ki per hit.
    Last edited by DarkSable; 10-23-2014 at 06:32 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSable View Post
    It drains so fast? Alright, let's check for the simple things:

    You have a maxxed out Concentration skill, correct?

    I know that I messed that up when monks first came out, and it was the cause of several re-rolls.

    What all are you using that's causing your ki to drain so quickly? I've found that there's not usually a problem; if it's a red name that I can take advantage of cycling elemental strikes on, I switch over to fire stance.

    Also, a quick fix would be any one of the three outfits (Vestments of the Sun Soul, Spider-Spun Caparison, and Epic Frozen Tunic, two of which have already been mentioned) that give one extra ki per hit.
    Maybe i expressed myself wrong with "drain", it´s not that the ki decreases (concentration is about 90), it´s coz of making use of all my Special moves, a Lotus here and there, finishers.. I´m always low on ki and don´t feel like getting it back quick enough
    I tried frozen tunic and spiderspun, not enough. My alernate toon henshin in firestance never has Problems and i have more ki than i Need, but he´s not able to do EE Content (in main destiny GmoF).
    So i was asking myself: is there a config where you can do all this and the fountain of ki is never empty? So with the necklace it´s much much better, so i am curious how other Monks did their config.
    Last edited by Robbenklopper; 10-24-2014 at 08:40 AM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Firewall's Avatar
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    Take as much passive Ki regen as you can because it multiplies the amount of stable Ki you can keep up.

    It helps if you Meditate at the beginning of each quest and/or at shrines (while others are casting buffs) to start with a large pool of Ki without interrupting the quest flow too much (you have 2 uses of meditation per rest). If you have Stealthy Tier 3 from Ninja Spy go into Sneak Mode right before you start to meditate. It will give you +1 passive Ki regen (and thus much higher stable Ki) while you meditate.

    Besides boosting WIS and CON you can also slot a Concentration Skill Augment (and Skill Tomes) if you don't already have it on an item. At level 27+ the Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance is pretty good for this.

    Did anyone test if the benefits from Alchemical Conservation from the necklace and Enhanced Ki from other sources stack with each other? I suppose they don't but since they are named as different effects it would be interesting to know.
    Last edited by Firewall; 10-24-2014 at 09:22 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firewall View Post
    Take as much passive Ki regen as you can because it multiplies the amount of stable Ki you can keep up.

    It helps if you Meditate at the beginning of each quest and/or at shrines (while others are casting buffs) to start with a large pool of Ki without interrupting the quest flow too much (you have 2 uses of meditation per rest). If you have Stealthy Tier 3 from Ninja Spy go into Sneak Mode right before you start to meditate. It will give you +1 passive Ki regen (and thus much higher stable Ki) while you meditate.

    Besides boosting WIS and CON you can also slot a Concentration Skill Augment (and Skill Tomes) if you don't already have it on an item. At level 27+ the Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance is pretty good for this.

    Did anyone test if the benefits from Alchemical Conservation from the necklace and Enhanced Ki from other sources stack with each other? I suppose they don't but since they are named as different effects it would be interesting to know.
    That´s a very good question if they stack, but i am afraid i would end up with mediocre gear when equipping two low-end items.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  13. #13


    another unusual option is to temporarily switch to a pair of weapons with keen and a high crit range. That will activte the henshin bonus faster than wraps. For example, if you equip a pair of Razorends (15-20 keen and expanded crit range), you will get a nice ki spike.
    Of course few players have 2 of those--just using an example--must have keen because you have IC Bludgeon
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  14. #14
    Community Member schelsullivan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel666 View Post
    Epic Frozen Tunic? Even if it's just used a s a swap in item, it might help.
    Thats a good idea. Its weird that changing clothes is faster than changing stances.
    Argonnessen - Glibb Bonefish, Lev 28 pure Elf Ranger

  15. #15
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    another unusual option is to temporarily switch to a pair of weapons with keen and a high crit range. That will activte the henshin bonus faster than wraps. For example, if you equip a pair of Razorends (15-20 keen and expanded crit range), you will get a nice ki spike.
    Of course few players have 2 of those--just using an example--must have keen because you have IC Bludgeon
    The Thing with the weapon-switch seems to be a good idea - whatever weapon: main Thing is easy critting. I will see of it´s effect when going home today, really curious.
    Thx for the idea.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

  16. #16


    When I was TWF with a pure ninja master using hooks and IC slashing, I was getting +4 ki on crits which were 13-20/3. I always had insane amounts. It was QP, unbalancing strike, then filler...
    With venomed blades stacking with melee power, coupled with the boost from ninja poison, as well as sneak attack scaling, weaponized (hook-wielding) ninjas have gotten more sexy.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
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    Default Great option to

    Wicked Thing is that wraps only crit x2 on 19-20, so weapons are by far much better. I checked out your double weapon advice and got some very good ki - a really great Option to do. But ... well ... just wanna stick to my wraps.
    So i farmed like stupid a replacement with alacrity for my Jorgundals, got the epic boots from necro, and put on alchemists pendant. I can really say that an item with enhanced ki is totally recommended to wear and delivers now enough of ki in earthstance.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

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