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I'm just curious, I emailed like the original post said, but I didn't get a response or anything, then I realized how old the original post was and wanted to ask if I should re-submit my info via a PM to you instead of the email. I completely understand if your not interested in me, but I just wanted to make sure that my "application" was at least received.
Thank you for your time!
Sarlona Server
PS. Even though I go by Cyryn, none of my characters are actually named that, lol).
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1. We have some very small, but growing, Polish community around DDO and we'd like to make it grow bit faster
Is it possible to join streaming community with non-english streams?
If not - maybe at least - an announcement in chronicles? or even regular announcements?
2. Is it ok to use curses, reference to alcohol, drugs, sex, smoking during stream ? Intentionally for the sake of situation and/or role-play.
If yes shall we put "PG Mature" somewhere ?
3. Is it ok to stream from Lamannia after it was officially streamed (from update-to-update) and there is nothing to disclose?
1. Yes, absolutely! We'd love to have a non-English stream on the channel. Let me know what you've got in mind if you'd like to do it.
2. Technically no, but ultimately we operate DDOstream moderation on a complaint-based basis, so if it's acceptable to your audience, and/or in-context with role play, I bet you won't get much if any complaints. Would depend on context and what was being done, of course.
3. Yes, streaming Lamannia content is not an issue.
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what kind of compensation are we talking about?. I don't work for free. and I pay to play. contracts involved?
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If you are worried about this (maybe your group is unrestrained) you can always twitch on your own new channel. It's not too difficult to set up, you can do it all for free, and cordovan and I would be most happy to promote it through our respective channels.
If anyone else out there is twitching or making you tube videos and you want some free advertising leg me know too
Shamgar ~ Pjstechie ~ Melchizedek ~ Habakkuk ~ Josheb ~ Magoi ~ Kinnor ~ Eshek ~ Zakchaios ~ Jephthah ~ Bartimaios ~ Ehudh ~ Bezaleluri ~ Nebuchad ~ Lava Divers (Khyber) ~ Epic Education ~ Building Blocks ~ DDOCast ~ contact me
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Well i have my notifications open when DDOSTREAM goes on.
Went to see whats up and saw Titan doing Fresco Runs for 1 hour...
Why someone browsing games and decided to click on DDO is forced to see the mindless grind of a lvl 4 dungeon on a 20+ toon over and over again?
More filtering on what content they can and can`t stream would be nice.
The fling was stuck at Heroic GH for a couple of weeks but it wasn`t that bad.
I can follow the guidelines open a stream of me doing explorers or slayers and openly ask Jerry in every stream TP codes and stalking him on Iconics on every server so i can get my TP codes for partying with him in servers i am never playing.Sorry but i can`t see how that will help the community expand and promote DDO.
For existing players the IRC is the way to go imo loose moderation,interaction with Vargouille and SteelStar gives you a more direct insight on things troubling you and experienced players discussing stuff,Jerry is too busy lately and doesn`t come that often anymore but its ok.
At least he said that some endgame oriented people are planning on streaming too and i know many end game guilds that want to stream but the lag in one of the factors keeping them away.
Ghallanda,Ghallanda,Ghallanda is on fire
Ghallanda,Ghallanda,Ghallanda is on fire
We don't need no water let the crappy server burn
Burn crappy server burn!
I have major suggestion in regards to this endeavor.
1. new chat system allows person to say /joinchannel -t www.twitch.tv/whoever
-- this way people can join twitch channel while playing DDO and actually be part of chat
-- maybe in future mini viewer in game and on website that can be open/closed to see what other streamers are doing at a glance with maybe button that take them to twitch channel
2. new chat system panel allows broadcasters to log in (in game)
-- this way they can have admin power of twitch chat system to temporarily mute or ban 'bad' people
-- ensures that only DDO broadcasters are being broadcasted in twitch channel
-- this login simply ensures that twitch + DDO website knows that person is online and broadcasting
-- after say 10 mins of this login game server should activate script tells DDO webserver that hey this person is broadcasting thus starting the twitch-ddo handshake
-- nothing worse than joining chat to find it being plagued by people either linking unruly / bad content or outright using foul language etc
3. new broadcast global channel that everyone is automatically joined upon logging in.
-- this channel periodically lists everyone who is currently broadcasting
-- broadcaster has to have logged in there webaccount set option that ties twitch account to there DDO account
-- DDO account should do some form of handshake maybe once an hour till twitch channel stops broadcasting (broadcaster stops broadcasting)
-- in this regard if #2 is implemented this could be way ensure that those that are currently playing DDO + broadcasting are telegraphed as online
-- fairly certain that in other major games where this form of self publishing advertisement this is way it is usually done
4. broadcasters panel (the twitch pub)
-- panel list of current broadcasters could be clicked to switch current twitch chat channel to selected twitch chat
a) This will have option that says they are broadcasting or offline plus which server they are currently in listed
5. Instead of dedicated individuals what about contest where viewers select there favorite twitch channel to be advertised on main website till next winner or maybe make it weekly event this way single person does not become solely dominant.
6. in reply to cordovan maybe during handshake checks twitch channel to see if broadcaster has "DDO" selected as the game they are playing this way if that switches to another game they become listed as offline in DDO + DDO website therefore removes or at least reduces need of having moderators checking each person want to promote to see what they are playing and if broadcaster promoted does not follow the guideline there reprimanded with 1 week suspension from publicizing to DDO broadcast this way make person ensure they are least following the rules
7. in game twitch chat should be able to join across all servers. this way everyone has the opportunity to chime in and enjoy.
IF need example of what i suggested i recommend taking peek at www.pathofexile.com think they have done awesome job of doing what i suggested. Might be possible get in touch with them see if work together develop DDO into something even better.
Last edited by Link_omega; 09-25-2015 at 04:32 PM.
Cerena <> Kikku <> Miztrezz
Would it be an idea to update this to being "hosted" by the DDO official channel as opposed to directly streaming to it?
Keeps things more secure on your end whilst allowing streamers to keep more control on their chat and channel generally.
Would also allow you to feature people on a more casual basis, not having to worry about the stream key leaking etc.
Just a thought.
what you think about a weekly German Stream in the Schedule? would like to start something like this after 250+ Episodes on YT about DDO![]()
Proud Member of Eternal Infinity
Side Project for German Players: http://ddohhjungs.guildportal.com/
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello has I said maybe earlier!
personally I prefer stream DDO on my Own Channel.
I ask to you a patnership that is now running d Thanks you.
But Why not hosting DDOStream ! Shring our stream community is nice !
( it could be nice for me the ame thing in the other sense too )
I hope BTW the partnership will still run...its a pleasure to stream your game and sharing all about that.
PS: Im a French Streamer
Friendly, MrShampi
2014 DDO Players Council
Id like to but need to get my stream up and running first.
who knows, people may not be interested in me :P bwhahahaha