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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2014

    Default New Sorcerer Build

    I am still relatively new to DDO: I want to build a fire savant (I think) aiming towards a epic destiny draconic incarnation.

    Would someone either be able to help me find a good build towards this, or could I get some suggestions/recommendations on how to go about it!

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default as a BF, with shield deflection swapped out for adamantine body, and a few racial enhancements moved to EK for more -ASF.

  3. #3
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Depends on your secondary school, but you basically take
    Maximize,Empower, and Spell focus evocation (+ greater evocation focus). For stats max out Cha and Con. Skills max concentration, Umd, spellcraft.
    Then max out fire tree, until you get fireball SLA. Spam all the free SLA's.
    Get all the fire spells 'n stuff. Also blurr and haste. Displacement too, if you want to. Elemental resists,night shield, Jump(jump casting is important for kiting!), disintegrate, Otos dance(iresist, discoball) (for CC, need spell pen and enchantment), finger/wail of banshee (needs spel pen and necro). Dimension door, fireshield(can be scrolled), stone skin(can be wanded)
    Rest depends on secondary school, lightning gives you free feather fall, lightning loop stun, and stuff.
    Acid gives you more dots (acid rain is good). Scales poorly taught.
    Maybe get conjuration(for webs, but fireballs break them and acid rain), or enchantment/necromancy focus + spell pen.(holds and disco ball/finger and wail). Or Mental taughtnes for 1% critical (it's not great).

    At level 16-ish many enemies are fire resistant/immune. (some demons are lightning, and fire resistant) You might want to respec around there. Also after level 20 you might want to try for shiradi, and switch to magic missles (force speced)

    As for gear, get best spell power, and critical for your element, and maybe arcane shard wand, for cheap maximize on firewall and stuff.

    Get UMD for self healing with wands. Hireling healing is not reliable, and wands are cheaper than potions. Also you can no fail use heroism and stone skin wands. They are really great.

    All sorcerer stuff is horribly outdated tho. Firewall caps at caster level 15, and has reflex save (evasion mobs). Many spells have low caster level (and damage) caps. Many spells don't apply some metamagics for no good reason.

    As for race, you can ether go warforged(bladeforged) for reconstruct (easy self healing), or human (extra feat) , or elf/drow for extra spell pen/charisma/spell resistance. I do not recommend, because of low HP.

    You will probably need something for traps, I recommend air servant wing ability (wind dance), otherwise you will probably die in traps a lot.

    Otherwise + con/hp items, death ward,heavy fort, + cha item, + spell point items, + evocation dc items and stuff.

    I personally prefer ligtning sorc, because of the electric loop stun, wind dance, and free fetherfall (frees up a slot). Has problems with some demons tho, but the wind dance really helps with survivability.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Ojara View Post
    I am still relatively new to DDO: I want to build a fire savant (I think) aiming towards a epic destiny draconic incarnation.

    Would someone either be able to help me find a good build towards this, or could I get some suggestions/recommendations on how to go about it!

    Thank you!
    As a new player I found fire sla great until 20 if you go to forgotten realms. I am currently 22 and I am still fire spec in FR running in di but I am using energy burst and scorching ray more than the slas. Also I went Blade forged for reconstruct sla with favored soul for just rewards in angel of vengeance. As a first lifer with out twink gear your best bet is to focus on no save spells above level 17 or so. MoTU and shadowfell were fun buys also gianthold. I rotated scorching ray then the slas with wall of fire just for the free spell points. I play solo 99% of the time. PM me if you want more details.

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