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  1. #21
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Soloing Crystal Cove (with or without a hireling) all depends on your build and how you play it. I have soloed CC lv 24 with my lv 24 Paladin, without hire, several times and averaged around 160 dragonshards as a reward. Granted, you sometimes get a map that makes it harder but, usually, it is very doable. Most of the time, you really don't have to stray far from the main chamber to get you 100 shard quota. I've found running east and down to the waterfall (after clearing the small south cavern) to work best. While they are clearing the south chamber, set torches down to the waterfall then place a teleporter near the first decent sized batch of crystals (purple or green), and gradually advance it to the waterfall.
    If you find you can't solo, try posting for a group. You will almost always get at least one other player willing to join (although this may be more common at epic lvs). Good luck
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  2. #22
    Community Member Robbenklopper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Difficulty for CC to farm is like it should be: challenging. The Intention to run it solo is not really given. I tended to do a few times (and ended up with about 100? or so mats) but you can achieve more when you Team up. That´s what it used to be. For what reason running it solo? You can´t divide yourself to be everywhere at the same time, that´s what your team-Buddys are for. Assign roles or Jobs to do and run cove easily. Why calling it zerging? everyone has to do his Job.
    You Need a torcher, one Center, Scout, linerunner and bestly a supporter (buying kobos, bringing torches to torcher etc) and a jack-in-all-trades to clear/accompany torcher/do whatsoever. If you don´t have tendencies to be a misanthrope or Masochist, Play it in a Party. No Need for a Special fix to make it run more easy IMO. Contribute to party-playing and don´t stay away. Other i suggest a fix for solo-Players to collect their maps for their own indivual Counter to open the cave. that would be only fair.
    "It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"

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