Hello, All

DDOCentral.com has been up for over one month as of this week and now has almost 800 e-mail followers. The site has had over 3,200 hits with visitors from over 40 countries.

I have been updating the blog every day, and also re-tweeting Geoff's blog contents from the DDOCentral Twitter account as I can't directly reblog Wordpress.org posts to a Wordpress.com site. I have had to reach into the post archives of both active and recently inactive DDO blogs to provide at least three posts per day on DDOCentral.

What I would like is more feedback on what to include for links (e-mail me at ddocentral@gmail.com or reply here). I am thinking about creating a Guilds sub-section for the 'DDO Websites' page for guilds with active websites which would facilitate their recruiting efforts. I would also like more active blogs from which to reblog posts, as at least several very active bloggers have suddenly stopped within the last 12 months and we are down to about 6 bloggers that are active on a weekly basis. If anyone knows how to reach out to these bloggers to encourage them to start back up again, I would appreciate it.

