I want to get these in as early as possible, so here they are:
- This would be a great time to bring on some stuff for Barbarian, Druid, and Ranger. IMO Druid is the priority tree-wise simply because they don't have a 3rd tree yet, but perhaps it'd be better to do a multi-useful desert themed tree something like Harper that's most helpful for our beloved Primal classes. Or both. I have this great 3rd edition D&D book here called Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand. Scorpion Heritor (poisons) would be a great option, as would Walker in the Waste (Drains, a type of lich form, mummy and sand golem pets). Scorpion Heritor would make a great general tree (could do it as a Vulkoor thing, which would make it a lot like Harper) and Walker in the Waste would make a great Druid tree. Or perhaps something Wind oriented. One thing which could be cool for a high-level ability on Scorpion Heritor would be allowing us to drop a Poison spell ward (on a lengthy cooldown, of course). This would bring some CC in for classes like Barbarian or Ranger and be an interesting little twist.
- The quests: please don't make them like the godawful boring slog that is Wheloon and Storm Horns. I tried to like these quests, I really did, but they are so, so boring and tedious and filled with way too many goddamn mobs. In particular PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SENSE don't do another "defend this room until time runs out" quest. PLEASE. There are SO MANY of these in the game and they are SOOO SOOO BORING. And let's have some INTERESTING bosses instead of a huge wad of HP. I mean bosses like Deadheart (with his dancing club) or Gentleman Glin. Give us oddball stuff that keeps us on our toes instead of "here is a mountain of HP and Damage, beat it down for 10 minutes". And please don't stud the quests with "you must kill everything in this room to open this door" stuff. Please. Let's have some stealth objectives and puzzle objectives and alternate routes and stuff. I know we're probably stuck with Spell Wards because this is a Forgotten Realms pack and APPARENTLY those people are TOO LAZY to do REAL TRAPS.
- Please don't bring back the horribly annoying "I will run away and become invulnerable periodically" broke shadows from Wheloon etc. I realize this is more Netheril stuff but ugh, those are terrible mobs. If you must have them, make it useful in that you don't HAVE to chase EVERY LAST ONE of them down and kill them to progress. Make it more like "oh, running away? Now's the time for me to try to use this lev--*chomp*--DAMMIT!"
- Druid, Barbarian, and Ranger-friendly gear plz. Also some opportunities to use Wilderness Lore in the new pack would be very nice. I would love to see a survival-esque mechanic in the wilderness area where you keep getting a stacking debuff the longer you are out there: "dehydration" that you can clear by using a water source (make the rest shrines look like fountains or wells for neato factor). Make most of the water sources require you to make a Wilderness Lore check and hey, you have a nifty little attrition mechanic. If there are Shadowfell type sections, have a similar mechanic but using Arcane Lore instead.
- Apparently people hate pits full of spikes that they actually have to make some effort to avoid instead of just charging on through. So there should be like, 30 of these. At least. And all the good loot should be at the bottom. Okay, maybe not this one.