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  1. #1
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    Default Staff build help

    I want to TR into a staff Wielding build and would like some advice

    I thought about going 13 rogue/ 6 monk/ 1 druid. Is that split good or should I maybe get 3 druid levels for fatal harrier? or something else completely?
    also I dont know if I should go dex or str based what do you think?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

  2. #2
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    You haven't told us what tomes you have, or if you're moving into a 34 or 36 point build, so I can't really help with specifics.

    13 rogue is a good split, you qualify for 2 rogue bonus feats, and epic sneak attack.
    6monk is a good split, you'll get 3 monk bonus feats, adept of forms, 10% movement speed and only be one feat away from master of forms for tier 3 earth stance goodness.
    1 druid makes sense, you get to qualify for empower heal & can cast rams might / shillelagh. Shillelagh won't work on Sireth or Thunderforged quarterstaves, so druids potential benefits lower a little bit.

    Other options may be:
    1 FVS or cleric, qualifying for empower heal and divine might.
    1 Fighter for another feat & cheaper hasteboost is also an option.
    If you're willing to do a bladeforged life and shell out for an LR+1, swapping the paladin level for a wizard level would give you a bonus feat and an extra cleave attack from eldritch knight.

    Normally I prefer strength builds, but since you need 21dex for epic sneak attack, and the addition of the new harper tree's enhancement Know the Angles, dex builds look more attractive than they used to. Especially so for a bladeforged who could consider picking up shadowdodge.

    Banter aside, I don't think that fatal harrier is worth giving up the benefits gained from 6th monk level or 13th rogue. Stick with a 13/6/1 format

  3. #3
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    The original Big Fn Stick thread (and follow-ups) is one of the best collections of Stick info you'll find:
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Zeus is probably still my reference point for staff builds. Although with the latest changes to pallies (namely defensive stance moved to lvl 3), I would lean towards rog 13 / pal 4 / monk 3 vs 12/6/2. That gets you an extra rog bonus feat, Fists of Light, and any tier-3 monk abilities you want.

    If you don't have Bladeforged, it should still work with any race; just pick up Emp Heal + Rejuv Cocoon in epic lvls to make up for not having BF Reconstruct SLA. Or possibly go halfling w/healing DMs.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    You haven't told us what tomes you have, or if you're moving into a 34 or 36 point build, so I can't really help with specifics.
    first of all thanks alot for the reply very informative and helpful

    it will be my 3rd life so i have 36 points with 1 monk PL and 1 Bard PL
    on the topic of tomes ill get whatever needed for the build to work so thats not a problem

    i also liked the fvs/clr idea do you think its better than druid? and which one would you reccomend over the other?

    i dont intend to go bladeforged or any other iconic do you still think its worth it to go dex based?

    sorry if im asking alot of questions but i really want this build to be strong and fun

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Zeus is probably still my reference point for staff builds. Although with the latest changes to pallies (namely defensive stance moved to lvl 3), I would lean towards rog 13 / pal 4 / monk 3 vs 12/6/2. That gets you an extra rog bonus feat, Fists of Light, and any tier-3 monk abilities you want.

    If you don't have Bladeforged, it should still work with any race; just pick up Emp Heal + Rejuv Cocoon in epic lvls to make up for not having BF Reconstruct SLA. Or possibly go halfling w/healing DMs.
    Funny, I have made that build almost a year ago. 13 rogue 4 paladin 3 monk, the crimson bolt.

    I do believe it is still the strongest as far as qstaff builds go

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rull View Post
    Funny, I have made that build almost a year ago. 13 rogue 4 paladin 3 monk, the crimson bolt.

    I do believe it is still the strongest as far as qstaff builds go
    I think the Zeus is the "current" strongest build.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gljosh View Post
    I think the Zeus is the "current" strongest build.
    Because? What does 6paladin/1monk give you over 4paladin/3monk?

    Or do you mean the 12/6/2, since there are two builds described there. In that case I will ask, what does the 5th and the 6th paladin give you over 13th rogue (and 3th monk)?

  9. #9
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rull View Post
    Because? What does 6paladin/1monk give you over 4paladin/3monk?

    Or do you mean the 12/6/2, since there are two builds described there. In that case I will ask, what does the 5th and the 6th paladin give you over 13th rogue (and 3th monk)?
    Here, this may help:

    A 13rogue/6paladin/1monk gains:
    +1 rogue bonus feat (most likely opportunist)
    +1d6 sneak attack
    +2d6 light damage per attack (effected by melee power) KOTC core 3:
    your weapons get ghost touch
    Divine might without a twist
    up to +20 saves from paladin levels (when the nerf is applied)
    access to paladin defensive stance (but no +20% hp without losing ability to be centred)
    +2 dodge from centred monk
    +1 feat from monk
    +1 hit damage with staves (mystic)

    A 13rogue/6monk/1pally = Pick something other than 1 paladin.
    +1 rogue bonus feat (most likely opportunist)
    +1d6 sneak attack
    Gains 3 monk bonus feats
    Adept of forms
    Shadow Fade
    +6 dodge from centred monk
    +10% movement speed
    +4 hit/damage with staves (mystic)
    +1d4 light damage (Kotc)

    A 13rogue/4monk/3pally gains:
    +1 rogue bonus feat (most likely opportunist)
    +1d6 sneak attack
    up to +11 saves from paladin levels (when the nerf is applied)
    access to paladin defensive stance (but no +20% hp without losing ability to be centred)
    Divine might, but it costs a twist.
    Gains 2 monk bonus feats
    +6 dodge from centred monk
    +5% movement speed
    +4 hit/damage with staves (mystic)

    13rogue/4pally/3monk gains:
    +1 rogue bonus feat (most likely opportunist)
    +1d6 sneak attack
    Divine might without a twist
    up to +14 saves from paladin levels (when the nerf is applied)
    access to paladin defensive stance (but no +20% hp without losing ability to be centred)
    Gains 2 monk bonus feats
    +4 dodge from centred monk
    +3 hit/damage with staves (mystic)
    +5% movement speed

    A 12r/6p/2m gains:
    +2d6 light damage per attack (effected by melee power) KOTC core 3:
    your weapons get ghost touch
    Divine might without a twist
    up to +20 saves from paladin levels (when the nerf is applied)
    access to paladin defensive stance (but no +20% hp without losing ability to be centred)
    Gains 2 monk bonus feats
    +4 dodge from centred monk
    +2 hit/damage with staves (mystic)

    12rogue/6monk/2pally gains:
    3 monk bonus feats
    Adept of forms
    +6 dodge from centred monk
    +10% movement speed
    Shadow Fade
    +4 hit/damage with staves (mystic)
    Divine might but it costs a twist
    up to +8 saves from paladin levels (when the nerf is applied)

  10. #10
    Community Member depositbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rull View Post
    Funny, I have made that build almost a year ago. 13 rogue 4 paladin 3 monk, the crimson bolt.

    I do believe it is still the strongest as far as qstaff builds go
    Haek's build was stronger before they allowed less than 6 levels to acquire defender stance. It probably still is. However, getting either Light Candle on the 3 monk split or the KotC core 3 on the 6 pally split takes a bit of an ap expenditure. More so on lighting the candle variant. Could be feasible to pick up kotc core 3 and is also more of a return on investment as melee power scaling affects the 2d6 light damage per hit at the lower cost of 11 ap, when compared to 20 something ap for lighting the candle and its 1d8 non-scaling fire damage.

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