BrattyTop Airlines flight of EE Mark of Death completion in 22:43, by quest timer. Pictures forthcoming.
So you all know this was our 3ed time running it on EE, and our second EE completion... AFAIK nobody has a faster time yet.
Thank you to...
Poppytop for talking less this time so we could do it more quickly!
Flirtybratt for taking a recording, which may be posted later after we check language and whatnot...
Missfitt for bringing her DD's again! *Always* a pleasure to see em.
Ozzgood for staying up late to be one of our DC casters for this run! So glad you could make it this time Ozz!
Loreick for re-spec'n his bard at the last second so we could squeeze out another DC for our casters. Great songs you have sung!
Maktruck for getting his sexy bladeforged body into our party despite having a long day beforehand.
Satinallday for not dieing in the first room as he had in previous runs, as we changed our method to not make that a good thing.
Creepur for not being too creepy for us this time around. Glad we could get you your completion this time also! Also them thar fancy druidy spells were nice.
Goldmooon for getting up just to run the raid with us! So glad you could make it, you logged on just in time!
Reasis for doing a wonderful job breaking people out of encasement.
Leekylun for some *amazing* heals and really fast rez's. Seriously, we both know Poppy really needed em and you provided to *everyone*.
Krugarath for showing off his freshly shaven, well, everything but face! Seriously, what is better to wear in the highest level raid then starter rags?
EVERYONE did an amazing job and I am very very proud of all of you. We hope to run togeather some more and maybe break 20... I really need to stress that we haven't run as a full group that much and have done hardly any EE's (this was our second completion of three attempts).
Mak, Raesis, Krugarath, and Loreick took care of the quell room;
Missfitt, Satinallday, and Creepur took care of the vampire knight room; Poppy was supposed to go to the vampire knight room, but, um, yeah, it didn't work out.
Both rooms were dropped together to keep beholders away for as long as possible.
Amazing job everyone, again.