This character was on the back-burner for most of 2015; I was trying to finish my SDK life before the level cap went up, but didn't make it in time. Build post has been updated to reflect its current state.
With the loss of armor MRR, I think Evasion is more important (again), so I've tweaked Enhancements. I'm on the fence about how much to invest in archery, so I keep playing around with those APs, too.
You should be able to swap Cleave for Stunning Blow once you unlock Momentum Swing; alternatively you can take S.Blow instead of IC:Ranged.
Pulverizer will stack with Holy Sword, which helps make up for the recent nerf to crit range bonuses; but only if you're using a non-Sireth staff. It's also why I added Morphic Arrows; longbows should be 17-18/x4 19-20/x6 with all crit bonuses (Pinion is 15-18/x4 19-20/x6).
Doubleshot bonuses are now useful during Manyshot, but there's no easy way to add them to this build.
EDIT: overall though I think I weathered the recent balance changes okay.