Hey guys!
So, I'm trying to figure out my healer's next incarnation. To set up a little background, it's almost always going to be used in a duo with a fleshy centered kensai, so while it needs to be able to serve up healing, it also needs good damage to help us get through quests.
It will be running in Divine Crusader for the blend of melee damage and healing from Consecration.
Anyways, here are the questions that I've been mulling about in my head:
1) Whirlwind attack vs. Ninja Poison. The original concept for this build was going to be TWF with handwraps, to get double/triple/quad ameliorating strike procs. That then changed to being TWF with Foresters Brush Hooks for the crit range and a ranger splash for offhand chance. The ranger splash was later changed to a sorc splash for fire spell power for consecrate and divine vessel. I then realized the power of whirlwind attack on unarmed characters. (the one time something is broken in unarmed's favor!) Trouble is, to fit everything I would need, I would have to splash fighter instead of sorc, for the bonus feats.
So I suppose my question is this. Do I go with Kamas for the crit range, and the ability to use ninja poison with poisoned blades, giving me great dps against fleshies but not undead, or do I go with Unarmed and have better damage vs undead, and more AoE damage (albeit not as good fire spellpower.)
How much damage should I be expecting from Divine Vessel if I'm only focusing on the fire side of it?
Thanks - these questions have been bugging me all day!
...or do I go with 6 monk 6 sorc 8 Favored soul, ignore Divine Vessel, and use Tenser's? I like this idea the most, I think, but I'm very concerned about if I can stretch my AP enough to get shadow veil, tenser's, ameliorating strike, AND a decent amount of healing amp. If I could pull this split off, though, I'd love it - having a viable rig with deep multiclasses from each sphere just tickles my fancy.