Q: What is more lucky than rolling 100 on your DDO Daily Dice?
A: Rolling it twice
Q: What is more lucky than rolling 100 on your DDO Daily Dice?
A: Rolling it twice
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Congradulations on the double jackpot...
When I won two in a row last year (plus a series of jackpots on the silver daily dice) I asked around and found that people that hit the jackpots seem to hit multiples in a row. I ended up with four "100" jackpots in a row on the gold rolls, resulting in three +5 tomes and a +5 upgrade tome, two of which are still sitting in my Account Bank.
So I will not be shocked to hear next week you pulled a third one.
However be warned that Karma is involved and all things must be equal, I celebrated today because I rolled a 21 which is the highest number I have rolled since then.
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If he had follow my advice and bought 1000 shares of apple around noon and sold it right now, he would have made 2000$, enough to buy out all the epic otto boxes for epic past lives...
Not quite enough to retire. However, if he could made $2000 every day, he would be able to retire sufficiently in Costa Rica next October...
Steady money gaining is much safer than putting money on lotteries... 99.999999% of the time you're losing money on lotteries.
Last edited by Tyrande; 10-02-2014 at 03:51 PM.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
The RNG God's are smiling upon sir!
"Denn Die Toten Reiten Schnell"
"For The Dead Travel Fast"
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy