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  1. #21
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    For all the heavy armors with Mikhail; since that material type isn't being generated anymore, the mirror is most likely skinning breastplate, which is the medium/heavy hybrid. I have a handful of them, and they all look like that (demonic breastplate).

  2. #22
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zzevel View Post
    Brand new character ran thru the Grotto to get an Initiates Docent to Glam, it will not let you use the Mirror on it get the no data found error.
    Docents are not currently able to be used with the Mirror of Glamering. We're expecting to bring in that functionality in a future game update.

    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    I'm seeing a pattern here. It seems a lot of the armors are defaulting to the armor look on the right.
    Indeed. As folks are seeing, there are some commonalities. This thread has been useful, please continue to let us know if you encounter an issue.
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  3. #23
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Cordovan and Severlin do you think a fix will be retroactive or should we get a refund on the mirrors we used and then buy a new one when the fix comes ?

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  4. #24
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    I tried this on a simple leather armour with what is probably by now not unexpected results. The actual armour is viewed in the two left images, the cosmetic on the right.

    Leather Armor (Light Armor)
    Armor Bonus w/ Dex: +8
    Armor Bonus: +2
    Max Dex Bonus: 6 (Caps your Dex bonus to AC)
    Spell Failure: 10%

    This is one of the otherwise worthless armours you can sometimes pull from the chests in the sauna room of "Bring Me the Head of Ghola Fan". The approximate date I acquired this is 2:15 am EDT, 1 October 2014. I had been saving one of these for months for the time that this option would finally (hopefully) be made available, but I reran the quest to get a brand new piece in the hope that timing might make a difference.

    (Edited for typos, and making final sentence less inflammatory. )
    Last edited by PhotoRob; 10-01-2014 at 10:59 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member G_Lich's Avatar
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    I bought 5, then 2 (~1850TP - Please give tips on how I can get more kits for free considering 4 are botched). I'll be mentioning this on DDOCast this weekend

    Tried on Wondrous Celestial Scalemail mL27 - Note: I had more than 1 Celestial Scalemail in inventory, bought off AH - The armor kit produced the look of the wrong Celestial - I think "Oh well I guess I picked up the wrong one" - I tried another after clarifying yes THIS is the one that looks cool, put it in it's own inventory tab to make sure, copied, same look... "OK now something is up" - Tried something completely different, Celestial Leather, only the skin copied and not the addons.

    *Sigh OK this just isn't reliable with random gen loot - looks like another year of power-rangers colors or smoky black on every 28 out there.

    Time for named loot: Bloodplate, pretty standard, cool looking - Tried - and the Blood Red color is now washed out. *facepalm* - Still wearing it, bought rose hair color to match, it will work, but it's not what I wanted originally. Afraid to try the rest of my kits until this **** is fixed. Haven't tried helms, but will try tonight.
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  6. #26
    Community Member diodore's Avatar
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    Default pall of blood

    I copied this named robe tonight:

    The sash on the cosmetic is a pale light blue.

  7. #27
    Community Member VorpalKnight's Avatar
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    Default Cormyrian Green Dragonplate Armor

    Cormyrian Green Dragonplate Armor

    Crafted using Flawless Green Dragon Scales on the Eveningstar patron vendor Mikrom Sum. Some of the scales are ancient from when MotU first was released. I bought most of em a while ago but crafted the Armor a day ago.

    And this is the mirror of glamering Cosmetic:

    Its a shame that its bugged as its one of the most beautiful armors in the game.

  8. #28
    Hero Noir's Avatar
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    Default +5 Hide Armor

    Tried the mirror with +5 hide armor on my druid. Didn't get the nice colored hide...Got the dull green owlbear skin...not happy.
    The hide armor is quite old....though I can't say with any certainty where or when it was acquired.

    Originally Posted by grodon9999
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  9. #29
    Community Member Extispex's Avatar
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    Unhappy Bloodplate Armour

    Quote Originally Posted by G_Lich View Post
    Time for named loot: Bloodplate, pretty standard, cool looking - Tried - and the Blood Red color is now washed out.

    I tried with the Bloodplate Armour as well.

  10. #30
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Anyone try Frozen Plate?
    I was thinking of farming for it because I like the look but if it doesn't work than not much point.
    Conn Niall Paladin
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  11. #31
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    I'm copying over a post from the Lamannia forums, so folks can read this in the dev tracker, and because I've got an update:

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post

    Maybe test your miracles before you ask money for them. I just paid for a broken product, if I did it in a real shop I'd get my money back. Getting a bit fed up with bugs.
    It looks like there is an Armor Appearance Kit on the Cormyrian Red Dragonplate, which is what is preventing you from being able to use the Mirror of Glamering on it. You'll need to get an Armor Appearance Kit remover, if you want to Glamer the core look of the Dragonplate. It is not currently possible to make a cosmetic out of the old Armor Appearance Kits, sorry. I did check, though, and was able to make the Dragonplate on my admin:

    We have a coupon for folks who are in a similar position to Zoda. If you have an Armor Appearance Kit applied to your armor, you cannot currently make a cosmetic out of the armor using the Mirror of Glamering. Note that it is not currently possible to make a cosmetic out of an old Armor Appearance Kit; however, if you are instead looking to make a cosmetic out of the base armor that the kit was applied to, and are comfortable with permanently removing the Armor Appearance Kit from the armor, we have a free coupon for an Armor Appearance Remover Kit:

    The coupon is SCRUB1. This coupon code can be used three times per account, and will get you a free Armor Appearance Remover Kit.
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  12. #32
    Community Member diodore's Avatar
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    Default reimbursement, etc.

    How does Turbine continue to sell this item in good conscience?

    Is there a "refund me, it didn't work as promised" button somewhere?

  13. #33
    Community Member G_Lich's Avatar
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    Update: Account support contacted, they reviewed my recent purchases, I explained my situation, and my issue was resolved to my satisfaction.

    I can not give details of my resolution, as per agreement, but suffice to say I am glad turbine account support is good, given the limited scope they can impact.

    They also advised to avoid using the mirrors purchased until after a hotfix is applied.
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  14. #34
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I won't be purchasing another mirror until I know from other users that it works on old pre-Motu gear.
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  15. #35
    2015 DDO Players Council MangLord's Avatar
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    It appears that the basic armor cosmetic is being applied, without adding in the various "flair" that looks to be added to the original suit based on the specifically designed named item. Its unfortunate, because I'd have to assume that most people are glamering specific armor for the various bits of flair they like. I'm sure this issue will be addressed posthaste.

    This is a brand new feature that worked perfectly on Lammania, so of course it will have some live bugs in the transition. This is the reason I held off on buying a couple mirrors until everything has been ironed out. Just be patient, people. Every single update has had issues, but the DDO team seems to be much more aware that their players drive the game now. You can file a claim to recoup your losses.

    Honestly, I see glamered weapons and shields providing a much more difficult coding issue, especially with the frequency of switching weapon sets as opposed to armor. Not to mention builds that switch to different weapon types, like a SnB that equips a greatsword on occassion, or a greataxe kensei that goes SnB to pinch-tank. Be prepared for a couple bugs when that hits live.
    Last edited by MangLord; 10-03-2014 at 12:34 AM.
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  16. #36
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MangLord View Post
    It appears that the basic armor cosmetic is being applied, without adding in the various "flair" that looks to be added to the original suit based on the specifically designed named item. Its unfortunate, because I'd have to assume that most people are glamering specific armor for the various bits of flair they like. I'm sure this issue will be addressed posthaste.

    This is a brand new feature that worked perfectly on Lammania, so of course it will have some live bugs in the transition. This is the reason I held off on buying a couple mirrors until everything has been ironed out. Just be patient, people. Every single update has had issues, but the DDO team seems to be much more aware that their players drive the game now. You can file a claim to recoup your losses.

    Honestly, I see glamered weapons and shields providing a much more difficult coding issue, especially with the frequency of switching weapon sets as opposed to armor. Not to mention builds that switch to different weapon types, like a SnB that equips a greatsword on occassion, or a greataxe kensei that goes SnB to pinch-tank. Be prepared for a couple bugs when that hits live.
    Yeah, on Lam I didn't see this problem. It looks like 2 things are happening (separate bugs):
    1. If you Glammer something that is lootgen, you get a default armor skin (all those breastplates)
    2. If you glammer something with a unique look (and thus a unique id for it to utilize), it gives a washed out version (or maybe missing some added components that aren't part of the base items look id/mapping).

    I do encourage people who have used the mirrors to contact support and hold off on using them.

  17. #37
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    I'll admit. I am confused as to why the devs did not test the mirrors a bit more before the update. You'd think you'd test a new item on a wide variety of loot before releasing it to make sure it works. I know there are bugs to be expected with each update, but I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how an obvious one like this was missed.

  18. #38
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    The Mirror of Glamering should now be working correctly for all armors, helmets, and goggles. If you continue to experience a display issue with your cosmetic, please let us know in this thread. NOTE: This fix was not able to be made retroactive, so anyone who purchased a Mirror of Glamering and is not happy with the resulting cosmetic due to color or display issues should contact support either in-game or through Thanks!
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  19. #39
    Community Member Feagor's Avatar
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    Can we have cosmetic armor for druid wild shape someday?
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  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by noneill View Post
    OMG, this is the best armor I have ever seen in DDO! I had completely forgotten that DDO once had armor this nice (a random +5 item...)!

    Developers - can you PLEASE put this type of armor model back in the lootgen tables? PLEEEEEEASE?!

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