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  1. #61
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Thanks again, everyone, for your reports and screenshots, it has been helpful. The Mirror of Glamering is not working correctly with older randomly-generated armors. Please do not use the Mirror of Glamering on older randomly-generated armors while we work to fix this issue. We've now added this to the Known Issues list. New armors (say, anything in the past year or two), and named armors, should not be experiencing any further issues after today's hotfix.
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  2. #62


    Shadowmail (EH24) glamer'd up just fine. Just fine.
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  3. #63
    Community Member RotR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I'm a little confused with your statements but are you saying the mirror changed the color of your original item as well or just the cosmetic item? If your original item is fine and it is just the cosmetic item, contact a gm or account support and have them reimburse you for the purchase of the Mirror which did not work correctly, forget about a hat dye because that will not work on the cosmetic item only on the original Captain's Chapeau. If the Mirror changed the color not only of the cosmetic but also of your original item, Turbine has bigger problems, again you would need to contact account support for help to reimburse you for Mirror and to fix your original item.
    No just the cosmetic was altered. and I will take your suggestion and create a note to the account support, thanks.
    Defenders of Mysteria

  4. #64
    Community Member Chilldude's Avatar
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    Doh! I wish I'd seen this thread earlier. =/

  5. #65
    Community Manager
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    The following changes were made after today's hotfix:

    • Corrected an issue that was causing some cosmetic armors to not display properly after being created with a Mirror of Glamering. NOTE: This fix is not able to be made retroactive, so players who have created a cosmetic armor with the Mirror of Glamering and are not satisfied with the resulting cosmetic should contact support either in-game or through

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the absolute minimum level of an armor to be retained when making a cosmetic armor using the Mirror of Glamering. This will retroactively fix cosmetic armors with minimum levels.
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  6. #66
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    Hopefully more people than just me will be holding off on purchasing my (multiple) Mirrors until they work on older armor (as an incentive to get that to actually work).

  7. #67
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    Hopefully more people than just me will be holding off on purchasing my (multiple) Mirrors until they work on older armor (as an incentive to get that to actually work).
    I was going to try my old armor again, his post says they have corrected the glamer issues.
    Conn Niall Paladin
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    If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.

  8. #68


    Cordovan, and the rest of the team:

    Thank you for sticking with this. This morning, I successfully glamered the +4 Mithral Deathblock Armor I've been carrying, just for looks, for the last 4 years. It looks perfect as a cosmetic now. This showed to me what players and developers can do to fix problems in game when they work together and not get all snarky and what not. Your diligence and hard work is to be commended. Thank you very, very much.
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  9. #69
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noneill View Post
    I was going to try my old armor again, his post says they have corrected the glamer issues.
    The mirror worked perfectly for me after the first patch. No reason not to try, if you dont get a correct result put in a ticket and get your TP refunded.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by DougGlyndwyr View Post
    Cordovan, and the rest of the team:

    Thank you for sticking with this. This morning, I successfully glamered the +4 Mithral Deathblock Armor I've been carrying, just for looks, for the last 4 years. It looks perfect as a cosmetic now. This showed to me what players and developers can do to fix problems in game when they work together and not get all snarky and what not. Your diligence and hard work is to be commended. Thank you very, very much.
    Thank you, glad to hear it.
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  11. #71
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragavon View Post
    The mirror worked perfectly for me after the first patch. No reason not to try, if you dont get a correct result put in a ticket and get your TP refunded.
    I tried it after the first patch , it copied part of the skin but not all, see my picture above. My point was that Hal should try again, it should work now.

    For myself, I will try again now that patch #2 is out.

    Right now actually! I am just reading the forums while I wait for my client to patch.
    Conn Niall Paladin
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  12. #72
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    After this patch the mirror worked perfectly , even on my old 2006ish armor!

    This picture is pointless because it looks exactly like the actual armor but I posting it anyway in celebration.

    Thanks for fixing this. I have kept this armor for about 8 years in the hopes you would invent this someday.

    Conn Niall Paladin
    Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
    If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.

  13. #73
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Glad to see that this last round of fixes seems to have made the Mirror of Glamer work even for finicky eight year old armors that have been kept and oiled over the years for this moment.

  14. #74
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Glad to see that this last round of fixes seems to have made the Mirror of Glamer work even for finicky eight year old armors that have been kept and oiled over the years for this moment.
    *Blows dust of some dented armor and adjust the mirror*

  15. #75
    Founder noneill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Glad to see that this last round of fixes seems to have made the Mirror of Glamer work even for finicky eight year old armors that have been kept and oiled over the years for this moment.
    I bought 4 mirrors and outfitted all my Paladin / Fighter heavy types.

    Thanks again.
    Conn Niall Paladin
    Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
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  16. #76
    The Hatchery
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    THANK YOU, devs! When I first created my FvS 3-4 years ago, I spent *hours* (and a ton of plat) hunting down suitable armor for crafting on, having decided early on that mithral plate would be a good base. Not just any armor would do; this was going to define how she'd look for a significant portion of her lifetime. Some had funny bits sticking out in odd places, some had garish color combos, some didn't really look all that protective at all - she's a melee FvS, standing in the front lines with swords in hand, not hanging back behind meatshields calling upon her deity to smite her foes for her. Even after I found a decent set to use in the interim, I kept looking - and paying exorbitant prices on the AH - for better, until I finally found some mithral armor that really looked good. And she was happy, and that armor was crafted and deconned and re-crafted umpteen times.

    And then Leaves of the Forest came along, and while she looked good in it, it was never really her, but the armor itself was too good to ignore. And she learned to live with all the exposed skin, but she never really *liked* it. But none of the cosmetic kits in the store really screamed out "YES, this is the one!" Not like that old mithral plate she kept just to pull out and try on and sigh about every so often.

    And now, at long last, she can wear her beloved mithral plate once more while retaining all the benefits of the Leaves! So thank you for making my girl happy! The glamered armor looks PERFECT.
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  17. #77
    Community Member Tevasama's Avatar
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    Default most worked well, but...

    Today I took the plunge. Spent about 3000 TP on mirrors to do up the 2-3 outfits each of my favorite characters kept around. Most worked out very well - all except some older outfits for my monks. The boots changed to sandals and the sleeve/midriff/pantleg lost all the orange accents from the 2 outfits I tried it with. Yes, I had it fail twice... after all the other successes I remembered another character had a similar outfit so tried again... both the outfits failed, with slightly different failed results (white/gray).

    I may actually keep one of the failures, kinda like it. But neither truly worked accurately.

    P.S. When one character pulled out their old gleaming golden mithral breastplate it had changed appearance while stowed in the TR cache. Was ugly gray sleeves and the arm/shoulder armor plates changed. Not sure if this was a related issue, but was very unhappy with that shock. Also several owlbear clad hide armors no longer looked anything like what they did when they went into storage; they now look like the leather armors you can pick up nowadays instead of the furry hide look they had.
    Last edited by Tevasama; 10-09-2014 at 07:05 PM. Reason: added a note about armors changing appearance in storage
    Are you a deadhead or a hippie looking for a guild on Sarlona? "Sunshine Daydream" might be the fit for you! Send a message in-game to Akateva or Kaibeth for information or an invite. The fine print: roleplaying encouraged but not required in guild chat; LGBT-friendly; flower-sniffing playstyle (zerging discouraged outside favor runs).

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tevasama View Post
    Today I took the plunge. Spent about 3000 TP on mirrors to do up the 2-3 outfits each of my favorite characters kept around. Most worked out very well - all except some older outfits for my monks. The boots changed to sandals and the sleeve/midriff/pantleg lost all the orange accents from the 2 outfits I tried it with. Yes, I had it fail twice... after all the other successes I remembered another character had a similar outfit so tried again... both the outfits failed, with slightly different failed results (white/gray).

    I may actually keep one of the failures, kinda like it. But neither truly worked accurately.

    P.S. When one character pulled out their old gleaming golden mithral breastplate it had changed appearance while stowed in the TR cache. Was ugly gray sleeves and the arm/shoulder armor plates changed. Not sure if this was a related issue, but was very unhappy with that shock. Also several owlbear clad hide armors no longer looked anything like what they did when they went into storage; they now look like the leather armors you can pick up nowadays instead of the furry hide look they had.
    What specifically are these outfits? I'm assuming random generated outfits? We'll have to have a dev look into why these particular outfits didn't work.
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  19. #79
    Community Member Tevasama's Avatar
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    Yes, they were random-generated, which I'd thought today's hotfix fixed. And most of them worked very nicely, but not these two. I tried mirrors on many robes and medium and light armors today (named and random), and these outfits were the only ones that messed up for me. As I've been thinking on it, I think actually at least one of those outfits I've had for about 3-4 years, so may actually have had that older look originally (as glamered). It would have been a part of the glitch where outfits vanished when worn and had to be returned later by you guys via the mail (and changed appearance at that time), whenever that was.
    Are you a deadhead or a hippie looking for a guild on Sarlona? "Sunshine Daydream" might be the fit for you! Send a message in-game to Akateva or Kaibeth for information or an invite. The fine print: roleplaying encouraged but not required in guild chat; LGBT-friendly; flower-sniffing playstyle (zerging discouraged outside favor runs).

  20. #80
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I just wanted to say I'm pleasantly surprised that this could be fixed at all for pre-MotU armors, and even more appreciative of how swiftly this was fixed. I bought a second mirror yesterday and it worked like a charm, I like this chainmail appearance so much I'm debating buying a second mirror for another alt. So kudos devs.
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