My sister and I used to play back when it was p2p, but recently we want to try the f2p model. With doing so, we need to farm the favor dash quite extensively. We're hoping to find other people that would like to do it as well, also an opener would be nice. To unlock all the content (pack wise), we'd need to do about 450 runs total. However, breaking it down by the day and taking time out to play on our mains occasionally (level 23~) would also be efficient.
Are there enough people doing this? Is it worth it for the time spent? Also, how active is the "new player mentors" that are helping people adjust back into the game? Please and thank you :^)
We remaking our characters after about 1-2 hours of play (to restart the favor dash, but we're using the same name.. Chenak for me and Zynzo for her. We're running Barb/Cleric to speed the runs up.)