2/9/2017 This build is now decomissioned due to Reaper Mode.
Self Healing, which is one of the main powers of a Paladin, has been reduced heavily. Additionally, close-ranged party healing has been eliminated due to the fact that Reapers can one-shot non-tanks. The build is showing it's age and is no longer capable of functioning in the hardest content, despite being designed for the hardest content at the time circa 2014.
If you are currently in Steel Shrine, you can play it out as a DPS with some points in Henshin Mystic for the Melee Power and reincarnate at the first available opportunity. If you are stuck in heroics 12 or below, aim for a 15 Paladin / 3 Monk / 2 Favored Soul split to maximize DPS.
Steel Shrine
Steel Shrine is the most survivable tank you will ever play. This living fortress is a walking fountain of area-of-effect healing. The saves are so high that you won't even realize when you are fighting against spell-casters. If you have ever wanted to know what it felt like to BE a raid boss swatting enemies left and right, look no further.
80+ Saves
2000+ DPS
1300 HP
Easy-Button Healing
Multiple Redundant Healing Abilities
Race: Human (PDK does not get the Sovereign Host +4 damage to long swords, if PDK, go Mortal Fear Khopesh instead)
Class: Paladin 14 / Favored Soul 4 / Monk 2 (Light Armor Evasion)
(Other) Epic Litany: Profane Stats +2, Profane Attack +4, Profane Damage +4, Light Guard 10d6, Green Augment, Blue Augment
(Back) Epic Quiver of Alacrity: Concentration -50, Ranged Speed XV, Stealth Strike, Insightful Sneak Attack Bonus +4, Doubleshot 8%
(Head) Sightless: True Seeing, Deathblock 7, Ranged Power 6, Melee Power 6, Sheltering 35, Constitution 12, Green, Blue
(Eyes) Green Steel Goggles: Hit Points +45
(Neck) Pendant of Quiet Movement: Seeker +12, Dodge +11, Insightful Will +2, Lesser Displacement, Yellow Augment
(Cloak) Mysterious Cloak: Healing Amp 45, Magical Resistance +25, Green Augment, Colorless Augment
(Body) ToEE Light Armor: Resistance +12, Acid Absorb 30%, Lesser Displacement, Fortification 150, Green Augment
(Arms) Epic Ethereal Bracers: Dexterity +11, Riposte IX, Ghostly, Deadly X, Speed XIV, Feather Falling, Blue Augment, Green Augment
(Hand) Iron Mitts: Strength +8, Healing Amplification +60, Vitality +40, Resistance +7, Colorless Augment
(Waist) Epic Chord of Reprisals: Charisma +11, Resonance +144, Perform +20, Soundproof, Roar, Sheltering +24, Green Augment, Blue Augment
(Foot) Many-Hooked Greaves: Strength +12, Vertigo 12, Combat Mastery 5, Quality Vertigo 2, Green Augment, Yellow Augment
(Ring) Encrusted Ring: Strength +6, Exceptional Strength +1, Healing Amp +40
(Ring) Strange Tidings: Dexterity +12, Deception VIII, Use Magical Device +7, Diversion 20%, Blue Augment Slot, Green Augment Slot
(Main) Fellblade: +13 Enhancement, Imp Banishing, Sov Vorpal, Axiomatic X, Armor-Piercing 20%, Doublestrike 15%, Red Augment, Orange Augment
(Off) Thunderforged Orb: Devotion 150, Dragon's Edge, Draconic Reinvigoration, Orange Augment, Colorless Augment
All Levelup bonuses go into Charisma.
Str: 16 + 6 Tome +12 Item +1 Exception +2 Artifact +2 Feat +2 Profane +23 Divine Might = 64
Dex: 13 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 2 Insightful + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane= 34
Con: 14 + 6 Tome +12 Item +2 Insight +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane = 40
Int: 13 + 4 Tome + 8 Item +2 Insight + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 34
Wis: 8 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Artifact + 2 feat +2 Profane = 28
Cha: 16 + 6 Tome +7 Levelup +11 Item +2 Insightful +1 Exceptional +2 Artifact +2 feat +2 Profane +4 Enhancement +3 Destiny = 56
Level Progression
Feats: 7 Normal + 2 Monk + 3 Epic + 2 Destiny + Granted Class Feats1 Paladin: Weapon Focus: Slashing, Force of Personality, Follower of the Sovereign Host
2 Paladin
3 Paladin: Completionist
4 Paladin
5 Monk: Deflect Arrows
6 Favored Soul: Single Weapon Fighting
7 Paladin
8 Paladin
9 Favored Soul: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
10 Monk: Precision
11 Paladin
12 Paladin: Improved Critical: Slashing
13 Favored Soul
14 Paladin
15 Paladin: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
16 Paladin
17 Paladin
18 Paladin: Quicken Spell
19 Favored Soul
20 Paladin
21 Epic: Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic: Beloved of Sovereign Host
26 Epic: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic: Epic Reflexes
28 Epic: Elusive Target
HP: 1316
140 Paladin
32 Favored Soul
16 Monk
80 Epic
40 False Life Augment
40 Vitality
10 Draconic Vitality
20 Heroic Durability
15 Improved Heroic Durability
150 Vigor of Battle
100 Unyielding Sentinel
10 Warpriest
15 Harper
9 Sacred Defender
420 Constitution
1097 HP
219 Unyielding Sentinel 20% bonus
1316 HP
PRR: 125
36 Divine Past Life
10 Wall of Steel
30 Sheltering
14 Light Armor
10 Heed No Pain
10 Sacred Defense
15 Durable Defense
Damage = 126.375*
25.875 Base Attack Damage 5.75[1d8]
1 Child of the SoveReign Host
1 Beloved of the SoveReign Host
4 Righteous Weapons
13 Weapon
3 Enchant Weapon Past Life
1 Holy Sword
27 Strength
13 Single Weapon Fighting Strength Bonus
10 Deadly
4.5 Intolerant Blows
4 Profane
3 Monk Past Life
3 Divine Favor
1 Harper Enchantment
3 Harper Enchantment of Righteousness
7 Harper vs Evil
2 Harper Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
* Add 22 backstab damage in case you don't have aggro
Double Strike: 29%
5% Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
15% Fellblade
9% Martial Past Life
Melee Power: 77
24 Epic Levels
24 Unyielding Sentinel
6 Greater Single Weapon Fighting
6 Sightless
15 Harper
2 Weapon Focus
Crit Profile: ~90% bonus damage
Seeker: 23
12 Seeker
6 Tactical Training Room
18 * 26 crit multipler per 20 / 20 hits per 20 = 23
SWF Attack Speed: 2.34
80 hits per 40 seconds unhasted SWF = 2.0
100 hits per 42.6 seconds haste = 2.34
56 hits per 20 seconds hasted + Speed Boost = 2.8
Casual Damage per click = 613 Piercing per hit, 1401 DPS
[Damage * (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] (1 + Doublestrike)(1 + Melee Power/100)
[(126 * 1.9) +23]* 1.29 * 1.77 = 599 Avg per hit @ 2.34 Attacks per second
Fully Boosted Damage = 2415 DPS
20% Smite Weakness Vulnerability
20% Human Damage Boost
30% Legendary Dreadnought Speed Boost
[Damage (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] *(Damage Boost) (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Melee Power/100) (1 + Stacks of Vulnerability)
[(126 * 1.9) +23] * 1.29 * 1.77 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 862 Avg per hit @ 2.8 Attacks per second
Ultra Squishy Legendary Dreadnought Mode = 3647 DPS*
-6 Unyielding Sentinel Melee Power
70 Blitz Melee Power
5 Advancing Blows Damage
6 Critical Damage Seeker
19-20/x1 Devastating Critical
20% Smite Weakness Vulnerability
20% Human Damage Boost
30% Legendary Dreadnought Speed Boost
[Damage (1 + Crit Bonus) + (Seeker)] *(Damage Boost) (1 + Doublestrike) (1 + Melee Power/100) (1 + Stacks of Vulnerability)
[(131 * 2.0) +29] * 1.29 * 2.41 * 1.2 * 1.2 = 1302 Avg per hit @ 2.8 Attacks per second
* This is slashing damage only.