Hi, Ill try out new pally stuff after update and want to try a shortsword-using 15 pally 3 monk 2 trapper (maybe arti). Should I go bladeforged or drow? Shortswords for being centered and my TR cache. Im tending towards drow.
Also, the level split: I want trapskills and 3 levels of monk, 14 or 15 pally. Arti has more spellpoints and the doggie, rogue some sneak... 4 monk one trapper level would be ok to me, too, if there is a good reason for it.
bladeforged: start at lvl 15, WF immunities, recon, fortification
drow: more cha, far more dex, free shuriken option (also TR cache), shortswords as religious weapon
pally can also be level drain immune and recon isnt that important with a pally either... but starting at lvl 15 and a BF past life isnt bad either... really not sure.
Any hints and ideas before u23 goes live? still have to level from 26 to 28 before TRing but shouldnt take too long (just made epic completionist so im used to epic XP zerg)