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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014

    Default I want to do Roleplay on DDO

    Good evening,
    as i wrote in many threads, i'm a returning player and i've been away for few years. I want to play with a different approach, 3-4 sessions a week and i'd like to role play with a completely new charachter from lvl 1. At the beginning i thought the best option was to search for a static group. i haven't found the right group because most of them were not at level 1, or they had too strict and unjustified rules for me (no AH, no multiclass, no monk, no prestige class ecc)
    I started a thread where i described the kind of party i wanted and see if i could form a static group myself, but nobody even replyed.
    Being in a RP guild probably can't help me because is not sure i can always find members that are doing the quest i'm doing, i think most of them have already reached the cap or in the middle of a reincarnation.

    So, what should i do if i want to roleplay on DDO?

  2. #2
    Community Member Chaimberland's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Hmmmmm..........good question. There is a guild on Argo server called We Do NOT RUN Thru Dungeons. They roleplay to a degree but don't have specific rules about it. They do like to slow things down a bit and try to max out their xp by doing all optionals, breaking breakables, disarming traps etc. They like to play in a balanced party and work together to achieve a goal and they aren't worried about running quests for xp/min. If you contacted them I'm sure they'd be willing to hear you out about your idea and would probably be willing to do it with you. Durben is the guild leader along with his wife Kachinna. I'd send them an in-game mail and tell them that Chaimberland referred you.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014


    Seems a nice starting point, thank you very much!
    i've got 2 characters in cannith, i know i can create a charachter on argonessen without any problem, but for example i can't send mail from a character on cannith to a character on argo, right?
    EDIT: Are they from usa? cause i live in italy: the language is not a problem unless they do really hard RP, but maybe the time zone...
    Last edited by Demost; 09-25-2014 at 03:40 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chaimberland's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    No you can't. If you'd like they do have a site on You can try contacting them there also.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014


    i've been on argonessen 5 minutes ago with a new charachter, tried to tell all of their charachters (their names were on their forum) but no results, and since i don't have a character after korthos on argonessen i can't send them a mail! do they have an account here on the forum?

  6. #6
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    I believe Thelanis has the reputation of being the server favoured by role players. Your best chance is to have a look there.

    This thread looks promising
    Last edited by stoerm; 09-26-2014 at 05:08 AM.
    Don't feed the trolls.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Therrias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demost View Post
    Good evening,
    as i wrote in many threads, i'm a returning player and i've been away for few years. I want to play with a different approach, 3-4 sessions a week and i'd like to role play with a completely new charachter from lvl 1. At the beginning i thought the best option was to search for a static group. i haven't found the right group because most of them were not at level 1, or they had too strict and unjustified rules for me (no AH, no multiclass, no monk, no prestige class ecc)
    I started a thread where i described the kind of party i wanted and see if i could form a static group myself, but nobody even replyed.
    Being in a RP guild probably can't help me because is not sure i can always find members that are doing the quest i'm doing, i think most of them have already reached the cap or in the middle of a reincarnation.

    So, what should i do if i want to roleplay on DDO?
    Try making a LFM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Sep 2014


    @stoerm that thread is tricky and not up to date :S i trust you about thelanis server so i made a thread to see if there're any active rp guild then i will also do lfm as Terrias suggested, i think this is the best way to achieve what i want since i don't think i will always find member of my guild that are doing the same quests!

  9. #9


    Im in the Thelanis Server, we have mostly the same Schedule, (Im from Spain). feel free to join me to roleplay in the Thelanis server.

    un saluto

  10. #10
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    The Crimson Blade Company might be right up your alley!
    Heck, if you want to start a more loose static-group within the guild that would be all fun.
    I'd love to join in on that at least.

    Check it out and see what you think yourself!

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