It is annoying to be in a class without access to returning arrows/bolts (umd conjuring aside), especially when returning throwing weapons are a dime a dozen..
What happens with conjured bolts/arrows with the Beholders spamming overlapping anti-magic fields in the upcoming abbott?
Returning arrows/blots in treasure drops.. I have no issue with, just make them extremely rare.
Perhaps add something to Free Agent Favor that gives crafting alter the ability to melt down returning throwing weapons into an essence that can be bonded to arrows/bolts to make them returning. (restrictive list of course).
Add named Epic quivers that put returning effect on any equipped arrows/bolts.. madness one is aright for junk arrows and overflowing your inventory, but in Epic content getting hit is not something you want to happen often enough to proc arrows..
Better variations should be available.
Some workarounds include splashing artificer to conjure bolts for repeater builds that are not artificers.. such as a repeater rogue mechanic.. that cant even craft bolts...
this is something that the class should be able to do.. craft trap effects onto bolts and create stacks of bolts at the rogue crafting station based on their level/trap skills.
Many classes/builds would make use of returning arrows/bolts if they were available instead of using the returning hammer/handaxe/dart/dagger/shuriken or other boxbreakers..
I would even be ok with a basic pack of returning bolts/arrows from the Kortho's chain for those days when I run out of the good ones.