I like when content gets Epic-ified....it adds more playability to content we've already purchased/earned, gives us more options to do things endgame. Especially when its quests that were particularly fun and well-made in Heroic. But Epicifying content takes time, mostly to balance and update things.
Then I got to thinking...what if there was just a quick-and-dirty Epic mode, that simply scaled things up mathematically without changing anything else? Monster CR/HP/DC/Saves, trap damage, etc. You could approximate an Epic-level challenge without having to hand-craft each quest.
Naturally, you'd have to accept that it wouldn't be a perfect system. Some quests might not be playable if the scaling made something impossible. And, of course, any static rewards like named items would remain at their low-level implementation. Conversely, some quests might still be easy even after auto-Epic-ification - and caster mobs wouldn't have high-level spells, just stronger low-level ones - so your XP rewards would have to be purposefully lower for these quests, compared to actual handcrafted Epic quests. You'd never run them for the rewards or the XP/min, just for the fun of it or a change-of-pace, or if you'd rather play it at-level for the favor and *some* XP, than blitz a quest 20 levels below you for nothing at all but the favor.
This doesn't mean that you couldn't still go back and hand-make a proper Epic version like they've been doing - but for some quests (Kobold's Ringleader, Tear of Dhakaan, etc.), it'd give you something in the meantime you could play them with.