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  1. #101
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    What are doing aberration on the list now? I understand in Eberron they come from Xoriath, but they are still Aberration[Extraplanar if on material plane] not Outsiders.

    And yes, succubi and inccubi are DEMONS, not devils. The devil" equivalent" will be Erinyes.

  2. #102
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    Thanks, now doing research on what is an outsider and what is not, what are the outer planes and what is not...including the Forgotten Realms and Ebberon version.

    Also rereading the prestige class wording again.

  3. #103
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    Perfect Self
    Usage: Passive
    Prerequisite: Monk 20

    Description You have transcended your former race and are now considered a Lawful Outsider. You have gained Damage Reduction 10 / Epic. Warforged retain most living construct traits.

  4. #104
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    In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, an outsider is a type of creature, or "creature type". Outsiders are at least partially composed of the essence (if not the material) of a plane other than the Prime Material Plane.

    All outsiders have darkvision out to 60 feet. As a group, they have no other special abilities or immunities.

    Most outsiders have the extraplanar subtype, but those that don't always have the native subtype and live on the Material Plane. Most extraplanar outsiders are from the Outer Planes, but some come from the Inner Planes.

    Forgotten Realms cosmology[edit]

    The Forgotten Realms cosmology was originally the same as that of a standard Dungeons & Dragons campaign. The cosmology for the 3rd edition of D&D was altered substantially so that it contained twenty-six Outer Planes, arranged in a tree-like structure around the central 'trunk' of the material plane of Toril. Unlike the Outer Planes of the standard D&D cosmology which were heavily alignment-based, the Outer Planes of the Forgotten Realms cosmology were faith-based. The planes of the Forgotten Realms were retooled in the 4th edition to match the new default cosmology, with many of the planes or realms being relocated to the Astral Sea, and a handful now located in the Elemental Chaos.

    Eberron cosmology[edit]

    This is a description of the Eberron Cosmology prior to the Eberron fourth edition rules. For 4th edition cosmology information, please see World of Eberron.

    The Eberron cosmology, used in the original Eberron campaign setting, contained thirteen Outer Planes in 3rd edition, and gained at least two for 4th edition under the new cosmology. They exhibit traits similar to those of the standard D&D cosmology but also some (Irian, Mabar, Fernia, and Risia) appear more like Inner Planes. The cosmology was unique in that the Outer Planes orbited around Eberron through the Astral plane, now they are floating like other planes in the Astral sea. As they orbited, their overlap with the material plane changed and access to those planes became easier or restricted.



    Enhanced magic

    Impeded magic

    Coterminous / Remote / Orbit

    Daanvi, the Perfect Order Law (strong) Lawful Chaotic 100 years / 100 years / 400 years
    Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams None Illusion None never / always / off orbit
    Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead None None All 1 year / 1 year / 100 years
    Fernia, the Sea of Fire Evil Fire Cold 1 month / 1 month / 5 years
    Irian, the Eternal Day None Positive energy Negative energy 10 days / 10 days / 3 years
    Kythri, the Churning Chaos Chaos (strong) Chaotic Lawful erratic / erratic / erratic
    Lamannia, the Twilight Forest None Druidic None 7 days / 7 days / 1 year
    Mabar, the Endless Night None Negative energy Positive energy 3 days / 5 days / 5 years
    Risia, the Plane of Ice Evil Cold Fire 1 month / 1 month / 5 years
    Shavarath, the Battleground Varies Weapon-related Pacifying, charms 1 year / unknown / 36 years
    Syrania, the Azure Sky Good (strong) Good Evil 1 day / 1 day / 10 years
    Thelanis, the Faerie Court None Arcane None 7 years / 14 years / 225 years
    Xoriat, the Realm of Madness Evil None None unknown / unknown / millennia
    Thelanis, the Feywild[3]
    Dolurrh, the Shadowfell[3]

    See also Chapter 5 of the Eberron Campaign Setting[4]

    Like most other D&D campaign settings, in 3rd edition D&D Eberron has a number of planes. Besides the Prime Material Plane, the Ethereal Plane, the Plane of Shadow, and the Astral Plane, the Eberron Campaign Setting has thirteen relatively unique planes. Gates or portals to any of the planes are very rare. These thirteen planes metaphysically orbit around Eberron, and depending on their current location are considered in one of four states.[5]
    ##Waxing/Waning - The plane is either approaching or moving away from Eberron. Planar travel occurs as normal.
    ##Coterminous - The plane actually touches Eberron, and certain effects are strengthened in Eberron. Also, it may be possible to travel between planes by going to an appropriate spot. For example, when Risia, the Plain of Ice is coterminous, one may enter the plane from Eberron by walking into a blizzard. Because of seals placed by the Gatekeeper druids, Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, is incapable of becoming coterminous with Eberron.
    ##Remote - The plane is furthest from Eberron, and certain effects are weakened in Eberron. Also, reaching a remote plane with the spell plane shift is difficult and requires a high Spellcraft DC check. Because of the conflict between the Quori and the giants of Xen'drik, Dal Quor is always considered remote from Eberron.

  5. #105
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    Wear Fiend (Su): An acolyte of the skin summons the essence of a fiend and wears it like a second skin. The bonded fiendish skin is for all intents and purposes the character's own. It increases the acolyte of the skin's natural armor bonus by 1 and grants a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity. The acolyte also gains darkvision out to 60 feet. The DM determines the actual nature of the skin, be it demonic, devilish, or from some other fiendish creature.

  6. #106
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    Fiends is a term used in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game to refer to any malicious otherworldly creatures within the Dungeons & Dragons universe. These include various races of demons and devils that are of an evil alignment and hail from the Lower Planes. All fiends are extraplanar outsiders.

    The most common types




    Other fiends




    Night Hags




    Half-fiends and Fiendish Creatures

    Other Fiends not associated with a specific group[edit]
    ##Abominations - (Chichimec, phane, infernal, dream larva, phaethon, xixecal, hecatoncheires) - the unwanted offspring of deities.
    ##Abyssal Drake - the result of an ancient breeding program that combines the nastiest elements of demons, wyverns, and red dragons. From the Abyss plane.[2]
    ##Achaierai - Massive evil, clever, and predatory flightless birds with a distinct taste for torture. Of the Acheron plane.[3]
    ##Avari - man-sized, batlike fiends that are the chief rivals of yugoloths for territory. Unfortunately, they are neither as powerful or as numerous as the fiends and have lost much over time. Long ago, avari dwelt in a large central community, but their many wars shattered their unity, forcing them to live in isolated clan in desolate areas of the planes. They dwell there in dank caverns filled with bats, and inhabit similar environs when found on the Material Plane. Of the Gehenna plane.[4]
    ##Ba'atun - vicious, white-winged primate-like creatures that find death and destruction as their constant companions. Their origin is surrounded in mystery – perhaps they were demons made from snow, perhaps they are exiles from a frozen realm, or perhaps they have always been here, lurking. Their home plane is unknown.[5]
    ##Barghest - lupine fiend that resembles a goblin-wolf hybrid with terrible jaws and sharp claws, feeds on blood and souls to grow stronger. Of the Gehenna plane.[6]
    ##Broodfiend - almost headless, grotesque mix of worm, lizard, bat, and ape, created by avolakias to serve Kyuss.[7]
    ##Daelkyr - Fiends from the plane of Xoriat in the Eberron Campaign Setting.
    ##Diakk (Carcene and Varath) - evil flightless birds of the Carceri plane.[6]
    ##Diurge - Gray-skinned, red-eyed denizens of a nightmare realm known as Darkrealm, a nightmarishly twisted version of a Material Plane world. Diurges live to serve the evil lords of Darkrealm, but are occasionally ordered to travel to the Material Plane to spread chaos. These beings are extremely sadistic, hating everything that lives, and willing to manipulate anyone in the process of achieving their goals. They are horrible conquerors, subjugating other life forms ruthlessly, and causing pain wherever they go. Their lack of individual greed enables them to better work together towards this common goal.[8]
    ##Dune Stalker - fiends summoned to Material Plane to kill targets or carry out other quests. Of the Gray Waste of Hades plane.[9]
    ##Ebon Aspect - an abomination to not only all that is true and just in the world, but also to the traditional faith of the worshipers of Erythnul, Hextor, and Venca. Appear in the lands haunted by the Ebon Triad.[10]
    ##Hassitor - extinct exemplar race of Acheron Plane.
    ##Hellchain Weaver - eight-legged mass of chains made entirely of cruel hooks, barbed chains, and jagged iron. Of the Nine Hells of Baator plane.[11]
    ##Maelephant - elephant-headed fiends originally created by powerful baatezu lords to serve as guardians, many run free since their lords were deposed.[12]
    ##Mapmaker - humanoid lizardkin with weaselish features. Of the Pandemonium plane.[13]
    ##Marrashi - disease spreader that resembles a winged gnoll.[9]
    ##Nightmare (includes Cauchemar and Lesser) - proud equine creatures with hearts as black and evil as the dark abysses from which they come. Of the Gray Waste plane.[3]
    ##Nimicri - a unique vast creature that mimics a town that can duplicate creatures if a single drop of their blood touches it. Of the Gehenna plane.[14]
    ##Shadowlands Oni
    ##Sugo - flattish brown disks with suckered tentacles. Of the Acheron plane.[13]
    ##Tener - spindly, bipedal arachnoid; greed incarnate. Of the Pandemonium plane.[15]
    ##Utukku - lion-headed scaled fiends that kill all outsiders who pass through their territory, including others of their kind. Their lairs in the great ash deserts of Carceri always include impressive defenses, as each utukku must defend itself from all competitors. Utukku want no part of the intrigues of other fiends, and prey on any demons and devils they meet.[16]
    ##Vaath - a creature of pure sadism that delights in both physical and emotional pain. Of the Carceri plane.[17]
    ##Vaporighu - petty, sadistic, and voracious blobs of hideous, bloated, waddling hairy flesh. Of the Gehenna plane.[9]
    ##Viltch - resembles a dirty gray, three-legged mandrill; destroys beauty and order. Of the Pandemonium plane.[18]
    ##Vorr - a hateful canine of the Abyss.[12]
    ##Wirchler - a disembodied mouth with two arms. Of the Gehenna plane.[13]
    ##Yeth Hound - fearsome flying hounds with a frightening bay. Of the Gray Waste.[6]

  7. #107
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    Aberration (Dungeons & Dragons)

    This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2013)

    In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, aberration is a type of creature, or "creature type". Aberrations generally all have bizarre anatomies, strange abilities, alien mindsets, or any combination thereof.

    In 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons, all aberrations have darkvision out to 60 feet.[1] As a group, they have no other special abilities or immunities.

  8. #108
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    Hmmm....anyone ever banished a beholder or a mind flayer?

    Maybe ill test that out in game somewhere.

    However, I am thinking about instead of dividing up demon vs devil instead making a list of about 8 outsiders that are different from each other. Each one would grant special "stuff" not unlike the long list shown in Arch Mage, but not copying the style of Arch Mage.

    So each Cores would be part of a long multi-selection that you choose your path at core one. The skin color would be determined by your choice. I think coding for changing skin color should be fairly easy to do.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 09-25-2014 at 01:27 PM.

  9. #109
    Community Member HatsuharuZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Wear Fiend (Su): An acolyte of the skin summons the essence of a fiend and wears it like a second skin. The bonded fiendish skin is for all intents and purposes the character's own. It increases the acolyte of the skin's natural armor bonus by 1 and grants a +2 inherent bonus to Dexterity. The acolyte also gains darkvision out to 60 feet. The DM determines the actual nature of the skin, be it demonic, devilish, or from some other fiendish creature.
    So essentially, the bonuses you get are the same, regardless of what kind of fiend you get. Perhaps this could be elaborated on slightly, where you get a set number of "fiendish essence" exclusive toggles, and each one has it's own set of benefits, including stat bonuses, stat penalties and other bonuses. Other enhancements could let you choose additional bonuses from a set of options, such as resistance to elements, HP bonuses, spellpower bonuses, etc.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skavenaps View Post
    What are doing aberration on the list now? I understand in Eberron they come from Xoriath, but they are still Aberration[Extraplanar if on material plane] not Outsiders.

    And yes, succubi and inccubi are DEMONS, not devils. The devil" equivalent" will be Erinyes.

    they're devils in DDO, i think they changed that with 3.0

    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Please set the minimum to a negative number so some classes can generate love. There is too much hate in the world.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Hmmm....anyone ever banished a beholder or a mind flayer?

    Maybe ill test that out in game somewhere.

    However, I am thinking about instead of dividing up demon vs devil instead making a list of about 8 outsiders that are different from each other. Each one would grant special "stuff" not unlike the long list shown in Arch Mage, but not copying the style of Arch Mage.

    So each Cores would be part of a long multi-selection that you choose your path at core one. The skin color would be determined by your choice. I think coding for changing skin color should be fairly easy to do.
    i've banished beholders. I don't remember if i ever tried with flyers

    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Please set the minimum to a negative number so some classes can generate love. There is too much hate in the world.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skavenaps View Post
    What are doing aberration on the list now? I understand in Eberron they come from Xoriath, but they are still Aberration[Extraplanar if on material plane] not Outsiders.

    And yes, succubi and inccubi are DEMONS, not devils. The devil" equivalent" will be Erinyes.
    outsiders or not, aberrations are from xoriat in eberrron and the skin thingie theme goes well with them in DDO (harbinger of madness chain)

    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Please set the minimum to a negative number so some classes can generate love. There is too much hate in the world.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by HatsuharuZ View Post
    So essentially, the bonuses you get are the same, regardless of what kind of fiend you get. Perhaps this could be elaborated on slightly, where you get a set number of "fiendish essence" exclusive toggles, and each one has it's own set of benefits, including stat bonuses, stat penalties and other bonuses. Other enhancements could let you choose additional bonuses from a set of options, such as resistance to elements, HP bonuses, spellpower bonuses, etc.
    Yes, I think time limitations, etc...left the same bonus for all fiends, however that is a point I think we should greatly expand upon. This is something a computer can handle better than a human DM. It would be nice to have a lot of options and choices that is the only way I see we can be seen beside the powerful Savant trees.

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry-pancreas View Post
    outsiders or not, aberrations are from xoriat in eberrron and the skin thingie theme goes well with them in DDO (harbinger of madness chain)
    True certain parts of the goggoling I did included things that sounded a lot like that.

  15. #115
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    We also have to taking into account the roleplaying part of it:


    The Ritual of Bonding is a blasphemy that was long ago eradicated from most arcane libraries, but a few barely legible copies—or at least references thereto—survive along with promises of great power. Spellcasters who happen upon such documents can choose to destroy or ignore the find, but the temptation has already occurred. Those who give in can eventually stumble upon the complete ritual, usually through extended contact with one or more summoned fiends that are all too eager to share their terrible knowledge.

    This indicates the complete ritual is complex and mysterious which means it could be more encompassing than one might guess at first.

  16. #116
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    the outer planes of FR are:

    celestia (Lawful good)
    bytopia (NG) lawful tendency
    elysium (NG)
    beastlands (NG) chaotic tendency
    arborea (CG)
    ysgard (CG) chaotic neutral tendency
    limbo (CN)
    pandemonium (CN) evil tendency
    abyss (CE)
    carceri (NE) chaotic tendency
    hades or "the gray waste" (NE)
    gehenna (NE) lawful tendency
    baator or the nine hells (LE)
    acheron (LN) evil tendency
    mechanus (LN)
    arcadia (LN) good tendency

    * i always thought carceri was the one NE with tending towards law and gehenna towards chaos, 'cause carceri is a prison and gehenna it's like a shavarath (a battlefield for the blood war), kinda makes more sense but it seems i was wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Please set the minimum to a negative number so some classes can generate love. There is too much hate in the world.

  17. #117
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    Acolyte of the Skin rerolled round 1 is up.

    Changes: lots and lots, totally rerolled with very little unchanged.

  18. #118
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    Marilith Gust of Wind appears twice. Assuming that is a mistake?

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holybird View Post
    Marilith Gust of Wind appears twice. Assuming that is a mistake?
    Definitely, copy and paste to form new core then overwriting with new spells.
    Thanks for the catch will look for another spell to replace it with.

    Removed Jump.
    Moved Gust of Wind down to core 1.
    Added Slow for core 3.
    Added Rage for core 6.

    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 09-26-2014 at 02:22 PM.

  20. #120
    Community Member DrWily's Avatar
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    Nice! Love it!

    I also noticed that each tier has only 4 different enhancements instead of five.
    Last edited by DrWily; 09-27-2014 at 12:54 PM.

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