is there anything that stacks with it? can you do better than 64?
38 base + 6 drow enhancement + 6 paladin aura + 9 serenity + 5 GMOF
are there any items that will stack with that or anything i've overlooked?
is there anything that stacks with it? can you do better than 64?
38 base + 6 drow enhancement + 6 paladin aura + 9 serenity + 5 GMOF
are there any items that will stack with that or anything i've overlooked?
Unfortunately, I think that's as high as it goes. Drow SR is the same type as SR items or SR spell, so those don't stack. Similar issue with Occult Slayer capstone, if for some reason you were tempted to do a CON-based barb as drow instead of dwarf. You might want to experiment with Ward Against Weird (FotW) Twist; I suspect it's the same type as drow SR so it won't stack, but 60 + 6 + 9 + 5 = 80 SR when health is low.
SR has the same problem as the old AC system, only moreso because there are fewer ways of boosting it. And sadly, we can't make lvl 60 chars like those dang EE drow...
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
As a related question: whatcounts as usefull spell resistance at EH/EE?
Thinking about making a bard next life, either human or drowand wana know if drow offers enough. (human more con, healing amp, feat-drow better cha/spell res etc.)
Remember that Spell Pen is based on caster level, which in the case of enemy casters is based off of their CR. So ideally you hit SR equivalent to at least CR+20; considering the vast gulf between EH and EE CR, that's a pretty big gap, though.
Drow SR is 10 + char lvl + up to 6 from enhs; so that's a max of 44 SR at lvl 28. Pally Spellshield Aura (+6) and Serenity (+9) will stack with it, for a max of 59 SR. That should be good enough for EH and probably the easier EEs; but once you're facing CR 60+ EE mobs, it's useless again.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.