OK I found this DDOWiki Page: http://ddowiki.com/page/Mm_export
and it seems I'm missing exactly 2 Zombies for my Account types - Currently at 67/68 with 69 total available.
Now Magician's Assistant {Big Top Barrel Zombies} are checked off on that Wiki Page but I just went into said quest on E-Norm - smashed every barrel I could find and killed every Zombie therein - Not one of them counted!
The only other possibility for my final Zombie is the Rare Zombie version of Dheran Kiettuc in Tide Turns {He could take a while to find!}
On the other hand - I can add: Ju Ju Zombie {Haunted Halls - E-Norm} to that list along with both: Reanimated Adventurer & Reanimated Corpse.
I also seem to have Undead Necromancer showing up in my MM twice {1st time at 1 acc / 0 cha and 2nd time at 178 acc / 73 cha}