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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Character copy question

    I've attempted copying the same character to Lamannia twice so I can easily test a couple different builds (e.g., multi-class Rogue Dex build vs. multi-class Rogue Int build). Feat, enhancement, destiny, melee power, etc. changes affect build viability and usefulness, so it would be very helpful to evaluate build performance by an almost side-by-side comparison (enabled by logging into the build being evaluated). I thought more than one character copy would be allowed since the tool says it will change the character name if a conflict is found, but every attempt has met with Failure.

    What does everyone do to get around this restriction; do you meticulously record the results of one build, lesser reincarnate, and then compare results? I would like to be able to compare builds similar to the process used during an eye exam when they flip back and forth between two different settings to determine which is better.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    It should be pretty easy to create a character on Lamannia that mirrors the build you are making for comparison, although the Lesser Reincarnation route would work as well. The Lamannia Character Copy tool does not allow for two versions of the same character to exist on the server, sorry.
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