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  1. #21
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Skimmed through, and don't think I saw the most obvious suggestion... if you are even considering BF, then most likely you have access to PDK (given out free with that expansion I believe)... sorc + bard = Cha good, right? They start as fighters, which is your other class, so works out perfectly lol... cheap way to go pure cha on the build... and if you have some points to dip into WC tree, the frozen stuff all works on cha mod, could be a bonus?

  2. #22
    Community Member pelaaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Avalon- View Post
    Skimmed through, and don't think I saw the most obvious suggestion... if you are even considering BF, then most likely you have access to PDK (given out free with that expansion I believe)... sorc + bard = Cha good, right? They start as fighters, which is your other class, so works out perfectly lol... cheap way to go pure cha on the build... and if you have some points to dip into WC tree, the frozen stuff all works on cha mod, could be a bonus?
    Not a bad suggestion, but the problem I might have is with self-healing then. Don't want ot rely too much of SF pots and heal scrolls
    Quote Originally Posted by amnota View Post
    Halfling thrower builds are fun.

    Of course the trick is in knowing just how to bend the halfling...otherwise they never come back.

  3. #23
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelaaja View Post
    Not a bad suggestion, but the problem I might have is with self-healing then. Don't want ot rely too much of SF pots and heal scrolls
    Well, Bards do have some cure spells, but only going 3 bard limits that to Cure Light Wounds... with pure charisma you could use wands with great ease as well, and PDK gets 30% heal amp pretty easily gotten in their tree (10/20/30), which would go a long way to increasing effectiveness of any healing you use. Is 13 Sorc absolutely necessary? Or could you drop lower to grab higher bard for better heals (and potentially Heal Song)? If not, cool, was just looking at possible alternatives.

    Not a pretty method, but is there a mixture of Sorc/Bard/(FVS or Clr) that would work as well? If so, then maybe a Lesser Heart +1 (sometimes on sale) would allow that build, and be pure charisma as well as granting Warpriest (ameliorating strike) or Radiant Servant (for the Divine Healing, etc)... there are a lot of ways to get healing incorporated into builds now, but the tried and true methods are still Heal Scrolls, SF Pots, and Death Aura's (for palemasters)...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Avalon- View Post
    Skimmed through, and don't think I saw the most obvious suggestion... if you are even considering BF, then most likely you have access to PDK (given out free with that expansion I believe)... sorc + bard = Cha good, right? They start as fighters, which is your other class, so works out perfectly lol... cheap way to go pure cha on the build... and if you have some points to dip into WC tree, the frozen stuff all works on cha mod, could be a bonus?
    Plus for only 2AP, PDKs get CHA to hit and damage with long, short, bastard, and great swords and half their CHA bonus to tacticals if it is higher than STR. If you are going for a non-strength build that is a cheap way to get that kind of bonus, even if the weapon set is somewhat limited. You can use it with envenomed blade which is only a level away from where you start at and the awesomeness of paralyzing can't be overstated.

  5. #25
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    I think you'd have more fun getting Cleave and Great Cleave in action as early as possible. I'm not a big fan of Improved Shield Bash, at least not in comparison.

    There is no chance I'm reading that grammatical disaster.

  6. #26
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    I just opened up a similar thread with the same kind of request

    I have seen at least 3 different people running around with a 12 Wiz /6 Bard/ 2 Rogue so thought it may have been posted in this thread but wasn't

    I'll take any constructive suggestions on my thread Wizard is necessary (need the PL) but don't currently have access to Harper Tree (Not VIP and need the TP for upper level expansions) so there is that restriction. The rest of the information is in the above thread.

    Thanks (ahead of time).

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