Hi everyone. I have not posted in this subsection of the forums in a while, and now I'd like to get a second opinion on a build I've come up with (with some help from a friend).
The idea with this build is to gain morninglord and cleric pastlife (also elves are my fav and I wanted iconic), but to run epic elites and ee sagas, and most likely do 1-2 epic past lives before the next TR. I have played several types of caster clerics before, and my main toon is a dc pure cleric... so I decided I wanted to do something different. This build is twf centered kensei with focus on heavy single handed blades, so longswords, rapiers and such.
Why do this type of build? Well, like I said, I have played various caster clerics, but never a melee cleric before. I have also played monks and handwraps builds, but never a dual wielder with slashing weapons. So, I'm hoping this build will be good enough for ee tor, while still fun to play.
The main source of self healing will be cocoon and radiant bursts. I wanted quicken and emp heal for those.
So, without further ado, here's my draft. Feel free to offer ideas for improvements, but pls don't suggest I change the build completely, as this is what I'd like to do.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.20.02 DDO Character Planner Home Page Cerge Level 28 Lawful Good Morninglord Male (8 Fighter \ 3 Monk \ 9 Cleric \ 8 Epic) Hit Points: 408 Spell Points: 456 BAB: 16\16\21\26\26 Fortitude: 19 Reflex: 12 Will: 13 Starting Abilities Base Stats (36 Point) (Level 1) Strength 16 Dexterity 14 Constitution 14 Intelligence 10 Wisdom 10 Charisma 15 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Strength used at level 2 +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 2 +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 2 +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 2 +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 2 +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 2 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 6 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6 +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6 +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 6 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 6 +3 Tome of Strength used at level 10 +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 10 +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 10 +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 10 +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 10 +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 10 +4 Tome of Strength used at level 14 +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 14 +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 14 +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 14 +5 Tome of Strength used at level 18 +5 Tome of Dexterity used at level 18 +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 18 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 28) Balance 3 29 Bluff 2 12 Concentration 2 23 Diplomacy 2 13 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 2 12 Heal 0 11 Hide 2 12 Intimidate 2 12 Jump 3 27 Listen 0 10 Move Silently 2 12 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair 0 9 Search 0 9 Spellcraft 0 9 Spot 0 10 Swim 3 17 Tumble 3 16 Use Magic Device 4 23 Level 1 (Cleric) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Tumble (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+2) Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell Feat: (Deity) Favored by Amaunator Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Bard Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Favored Soul Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Sorcerer Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Wizard Level 2 (Monk) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+2) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack Level 3 (Monk) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting Level 4 (Monk) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+3) Skill: Concentration (+1) Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light Level 5 (Cleric) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 6 (Cleric) Skill: Balance (+1) Feat: (Selected) Cleave Level 7 (Cleric) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 8 (Cleric) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+1) Level 9 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Adept of Forms Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Great Cleave Level 10 (Fighter) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 11 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 12 (Fighter) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons Level 13 (Cleric) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 14 (Cleric) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+1) Level 15 (Cleric) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Level 16 (Cleric) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Concentration (+1) Level 17 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 18 (Fighter) Skill: Balance (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Feat: (Selected) Master of Forms Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Level 19 (Fighter) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Use Magic Device (+1) Level 20 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 21 (Epic) Feat: (Selected) Grandmaster of Forms Level 22 (Epic) Level 23 (Epic) Level 24 (Epic) Feat: (Selected) Epic: Overwhelming Critical Level 25 (Epic) Level 26 (Epic) Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting Level 27 (Epic) Feat: (Selected) Epic: Blinding Speed Level 28 (Epic) Ability Raise: STR Feat: (Epic Destiny) Epic Destiny: First Blood Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Spiritual Bond (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Strike With No Thought (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 2) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Extra Action Boost (Rank 3) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Weapon Specialization: Heavy Blades (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 2) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 3) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Weapon Specialization: Heavy Blades (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Weapon Meditation (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Critical Accuracy (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Critical Accuracy (Rank 2) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Weapon Specialization: Heavy Blades (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Shattering Strike (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Strength (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Critical Damage (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Weapon Specialization: Heavy Blades (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Strength (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Keen Edge (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - One With The Blade (Rank 1) Enhancement: Kensei (Ftr) - Deadly Strike (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Healing Domain (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Pacifism (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Positive Energy Burst (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 2) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Extra Turning (Rank 3) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Altruism (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Efficient Empower Healing (Rank 1) Enhancement: Radiant Servant (Clr) - Efficient Empower Healing (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Smite Foe (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Divine Might (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Divine Might (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Divine Might (Rank 3) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Smite Weakness (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Wall of Steel (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 3) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Saving Throws (Rank 3) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Burden of Sin (Rank 3) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 1) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 2) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame: Energy Absorption (Rank 3) Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Ameliorating Strike (Rank 1) Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Ninja Training (Rank 1) Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 1) Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 2) Enhancement: Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 3) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Bastion of Purity (Rank 1) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Protection from Tainted Creatures (Rank 1) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 1) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 2) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 3) Enhancement: Shintao (Mnk) - Fists of Iron (Rank 1)