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I've got a toon dedicated to being a fighter. I'm thinking going Fighter / pally, THF, heavy armor. My initial thought was going Fighter 16, with 4 levels of paladin mainly for the LoH, saves, and smites.
Comments / suggestions / recommendations?
A few conditions:
1) No Bladeforged. I don't want to play around with Iconics.
2) No monk. If the case can be made for Fighter / Cleric (which I've already done), Fighter FvS, or something else I have no problem with that. But keep it to 2 classes only, no monk. It seems everyone splashes monk these days. I want something different.
3) My toon already has loads of heavy armor and great swords. That's the direction I want to take.
4) I already have a Paladin toon. This guy is my dedicated fighter. So fighter has to be the main class in the build.
5) I don't need a full breakdown of a class, just basic stats, what trees you'd hit, and why.