So, i was in the shower one night and we all know we go deep in our thoughts about things, well i was thinking about ddo and the Lammainia server recently and that i am a Lammainia/Beta tester since the early stages of Mod 9 and though, Remember those few lammainia server events were participation got you in a drawing for a prize later on that day or week, well ive beggining to think about what would happen if lammainia was coming to the end of previewing content for DDO, so i was thinking about what kinds of prizes (If they will award us for being Beta testers) the longer the tester the bigger? and i was thinking about ... like ... I dont know... a free Lifetime Sub to VIP? Or .. a couple Ottos Boxes for live characters? when Epic level 30 comes out or later on after that, we might be rewarded for being beta testers, and that is why i am one myself, no i do not use lammainia as a live server as someone mentioned here in the forums, But I need Suggestions on what kind of Prizes turbine might award us for previewing content for them? I need Honest answers please.