Some traps are less effective when the mobs are aggroed (I saw this with hypnotic field traps in Stealthy Repo, and I was way over level, so my traps' DCs should have crushed them).
You can better bait mobs onto your traps by:
- If you lay a noisemaker near another trap, and lure a mob onto it.
- If you are invisible, and sneaking (and they can't see through invis), stand up near your trap, take 1 step, slip back into sneak and clear the immediate area without being noticed.
- I think, I have yet to test it, that if you throw a throwing weapon at the vicinity of the trap, you can lure a mob there too.
- You can Bluff a mob (I call out "Hey sailor!" while I wave them over, pretty sure it works better that way), and he'll just wander over sedately.
Other Methods:
If you're an artificer, lay a trap before opening a door (choke points FTW!), summon a Turret and open the door. The Turret should block their progress long enough to allow the trap to spring. (They'll be aggroed, so choose your trap carefully)
You can physically block their path while invisible. If the trap doesn't take them, you might be in trouble as you've just blown your stealth.
If you can take a hit, you can shield block a doorway similar to the Artie turret.
A scroll of Sleet/Grease in that hypothetically high traffic door will often slow their progress enough to keep them in the blast radius.
A Bit of Fun:
Additionally to the door, place a grease trap just under the apex of a slope, place a force trap at the top. When the mob charges, passes through before being caught in the grease, you block him long enough for the force trap to knock him back into the grease... and down he goes.
You can lure them into this combo too, but the ideal set-up appears infrequently.
(Thanks to Christine for the Force/Grease combo.)
If anyone else has fun things to do with traps, like this last one, please post them.