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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Devs: Official Statement on Holy Sword Requested Please

    Holy Sword is stated to work on all weapons. However, it's confirmed this week NOT working on Shuriken on Lama (see video here, credit Xiadias)

    So, to Recap:

    -No Ranged Power in any destinies except Blitz or Fury (all builds will need to run in Blitz or Fury)
    -No Fix stated yet for broken Swashbuckling and Thrown Weapons crit Multiplier
    -No Holy Sword application to Shurikens

    That means you either HAVE to be Halfling to throw, pure level 20 Monk, or Elf with a bow part time in Fury.

    That's not a lot of build choices and they all REQUIRE Monk.

    Kind of sad.

    Can you please give us some sort of an idea of what you plan to fix that is not WAI, and clear up what Holy Sword is supposed to apply to. Is it supposed to apply to Bows? How about Greataxes? Those aren't swords either.

    With the MASSIVE inflation in Melee power this update will bring (ED/Epic Level Melee Power, and fighting style updates), ranged across the board is getting the big fat proxy nerf.

    Add in broken abilities and being left out of Paladin and less recently Swashbuckler changes (which IRONICALLY was meant to be a Thrower prestige or a Melee prestige, look at it), and you have ranged combat that largely revolves around Monkchers in DDO as it has for about 4 years.

    Devs are so scared to fix ranged combat since it would lessen the effectiveness of a Monkcher that we will never get build diversity.

    Isn't anyone else tired of being Centered with a Bow as a monk in Fury?

  2. #2
    Community Member -Zyxas-'s Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Agree with most of that, especially questioning Holy Sword's functionality. It's probably just that they can't figure out the coding to make it apply to more/less things. They don't really seem to care about proxy nerfs until you PROVE they exist very clearly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Throwdown View Post
    Isn't anyone else tired of being Centered with a Bow as a monk in Fury?
    Ignoring the specificity to bows... I'm pretty sure nobody is tired of being a centered bow user in Fury, because other similar "options" are hardly options at all. I certainly have more fun by being what feels like 2x as effective, whatever the real number, than by feeling slow, gimp, maybe different?, and getting half as much done during my gameplay, no matter which sort of build we're talking about. Yeah, this is kind of your point... but unless there are more options, archers will switch back ASAP if they try a different non-"option". I suppose Sestra switched from playing an archer to playing melee, but that was because melee is more effective for most quests when you're not a gimp. That cycles around to another of your points, though, proxy nerf.
    DISCLAIMER: Forums are a place of help - and of opposition... I'm not attempting to spark hostility. I state my opinions because I think they are useful. It is the reader's choice whether to adopt my opinions. I want to show people different reasoning and options so they can enjoy the game more fully. Usually this leads to walls of text. Sorry.

  3. #3
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    So they've already stated ranged power wont be part of this update and they plan on looking at it in a future update.... so youve already had dev response two or three times on that subject...

    Holy sword.... holy sword they could simply say is wai in that it works on all *weapons* that you hold onto that is actually a weapon you do damage with... handwraps being what they are are always buggy so well.... throw your hands up there.... so throwers could simply be left out all together and be wai and youd be sol.

    That as it stands.... at the current state of the game the monk thrower builds and monkchers are two of the builds at the top of the pile on dps and survivablity when it comes to raids or dungeons, bosses or trash... you do not HAVE to be a pure 20 monk or a halfling, go look around there are more than a few thrower types around, yes the mostly involve monk because your using a specific ability within that class for the whole build.... monkcher is the best archer because of everything lining up.... other archers arent as good, and wont be as good with mp being introduced, but once again they're *supposed* to adress that in a future update... this being turbine I wouldnt count on it.... but hey you had your dev response.

    So your build is getting a *proxy nerf* because of mele power... so it wont be all the way at the top of the heap any more... and you wanna run your build with paladin because it will be the new shiny toy.... due build what you can build... whats next??? I want swashbuckler with paladin splash WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH GIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... sorry dude it dont work that way. I hate this proxy nerf stuff because yours wont be the top of the pile any more.... its just as effective as it was yesterday when you ran it because it was the most powerful or because of its power level or because it was fun.... SO KEEP RUNNING IT. The next time someone complains about *proxy nerfs* I hope a dev pipes up with something along the lines of *well if you think its less powerful lets make it less powerful like lets get rid of shuiken expertise, yeah that sounds like a good nerf, that might teach you the difference".

    So to condense my rant...
    ranged power later dev responses
    holy sword yeah could be useful to know but could be wai and you really couldnt complain about it
    there is no proxy nerf... though if people keep complaining about them maybe its time for a real nerf to teach you that there is a massive difference

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