Ranged action used to get mobs to look or move in a specific direction without giving away your position.
Selectable by any class at level 1. Free to rogues at level 1.
Bluff based skill checks.
Has a multi-selector for affective radius: 2, 5, 10, 20 meters. (This allows the character to attempt to control how many monsters may notice the distraction.)
In use:
Can be used with hard target or reticle targeting just as ranged attacks are used. Simulates throwing an pebble, knife, or ones voice (or as needed to fit the story and maintain immersion) to get nearby monsters to look away and/or move to a location to investigate.
This would be an active ability that goes on the hot bar and can be used with any combination of items in hand (and it does not actually used the in hand items). Simply target (hard or reticle) and click the ability. Mobs within the radius of the target get an INT check vs char level + bluff skill to discover it is a fake and go on alert. On a failed check mobs will turn and look in the direction of the target for 1d3+3 seconds. On a failed check by 6 or more, the mob will walk to the target and THEN face it for 1d3+3 seconds. If the mob is attacked and damaged during these actions, the actions are canceled and the mob will agro normally.
This action does not remove stealth or invisibility. This action does not cause the mob to agro unless it see the character via normal methods. Even on a successful check the mob does not auto agro, but will look around suspiciously (i.e. gets a spot check vs hide / listen vs silent).
Mobs affected by Distraction get a stacking +10 buff to subsequent Distraction saves for 30 seconds. Each additional Distraction adds a stack of the buff and resets the timer. This is to prevent constantly distracting a specific mob. Over time the mob WILL figure out what is going on and agro (unless you wait 30 seconds between attempts.)