OP is 2 years out of date - See Post #16
OP is 2 years out of date - See Post #16
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-26-2016 at 09:47 AM.
Community Member
I recall seeing some kind of PL generating build that was 6x/6y/8pl, but that may not have been suitable for epics. Your best help may come from Cetus or Ellis.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
Hmm if want wraps I would take more monk for sure. On my rogue life I plan on doing 10/10 but having my wis significantly higher than yours.
Oh I got my shadow dancer done during my monk life
Beware the Sleepeater
Hand wrap attack speed + twf + rogue sneak attack dice = your all good.
You will want stunning fist back at some point but it will be later. Ran my last life as a pally monk with 12 starting wisdom and vampiric stone dusts worked fine. You won't be stunning EE but e hard is doable with some + stun gear. Not 100% but good enough.
Might want to pick up weapon finess at some point.
Keep your bluff skill up and get deception and or improved deception and you shouldn't have any problems getting through heroic content.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-26-2016 at 09:47 AM.
Could also go 13/6/1 Rogue/Monk/Ftr for the extra Feat {not sure if 7 monk is any better than 6?}?
14/ 6 is ok but you don't get anything out of the even rogue level.
7monk bring wholeness of body. Meh.
9 monk has 2d6 unarmed base , 15% movement and improved evasion, sti leaving opportunist on the table from rogue 11.
Community Member
This is the most interesting post I have read in weeks - It didn't really teach me anything about the game per se, but it did teach me that there is always something to learn and even authoritative sources (and I consider FranOhmsford an authoritative source and have sought out and followed his advice on many occasions) reach out to their peers for build and game advice....
This makes me happy - not because you messed up - but because it proves we are all in this together and there is no shame in making mistakes and asking for help.
When I did my monk lives on my main character (on who I intend to try and stay halfling with full trap skills on each life), I went for an even split, starting with rogue, i.e. I took rogue at every odd level and monk at every even level. Then I held level 18 and once I had the xp to take level 20 I took 2 more monk levels. The starting stats were very similar to yours (12/18/16/16/8/8 on a 3rd+ life halfling), however I went for quarterstaffs instead of handwraps and completely ignored stunning attacks - base damage (with Power Attack) plus sneak attack damage was good enough in heroic quests. I would imagine that the build would have worked with handwraps too.
However I have no idea how good that build would have been in epic levels, as I TR'd the character immediately after reaching level 20 each time.
I'm not an expert at this sort of build, but I think that Skill Focus: Diplomacy should be worked into it somehow, as well as plenty of skill points into Diplomacy.
That might help when your character has to explain to his buddies in the Thieves Guild why he is such a big believer in law and order.
Hmm. This is signature worthy material, right here.
With stats you have i would suggest to convert to a staff build.
Dex to damage and hit from dex, wont need stun fist and it will make your life easier.
Simply put your stats make you a inefficient wraps user, but a okish staff user.
Also dont need any good staffs to steam roll heroic content, tho breeze makes any staff build op from lv 14-20.
What i would do on your place is get a stave of seer http://ddowiki.com/page/Stave_of_the_Seer or smthn similiar unbound with high base damage, put all points into dex and do a regular max henshin tree and ost stuff from acrobat tree aka q strike from acro and pick the aoe t 5 from henshin, for really decent heroic content selfheals.
Wraps on a non str, non wisdom build arent going to be effective, and as its only a 2nd lifer your stunning wont be good either at higher level content / i feel like you will have some issues to stun some things even in gh but on the other side, a stanced henshin w stane qstrike light the candle dex based build with possible shadow dodge could be fun
Last edited by Blackheartox; 09-07-2014 at 05:14 PM.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Wow - I started this thread over two years ago and Mihty is still only Lvl 18 2nd Life.
I decided on 13 Rogue/7 Monk in the end and am currently 11/7.
Now of course we've just had a Monk Update and I'm not sure whether I've made the best use of my enhancements....
Now, His gear is also pretty terrible so this is as much for next life as this one {I'll be TRing him again ASAP after hitting 20 I assume} - Is 13/7 a decent split in its own right for Henshin/Acro or would some other split be a better option for 3rd Life {1 Rogue+1 Monk Past Life}?
Yes I realise his PRR is a joke but I'm not sure how to fit everything in and what I can lose to get that far into Shintao. {25% Dodge though and Shadow Veil}.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-24-2016 at 03:10 PM.
If you were to take him to 6 million karma for an ER before TR, that would get you a little extra buff for your next life.![]()
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
7 monk does not do so much--I would do 6 monk & then take a fighter level for a feat.
I would do TWF and stunning fist handwraps over staff--drop TA (save for the 3 ap for run speed) for Shintao tier5. There was a build posted here called ninjassin before the update with 13/6/1 and my old elven Twilight Blade used it (take fighter at level 12).
Shintao will bring you PRR and some Hamp but with a staff wielder I am not convinced you need it (TA has spinning staff wall).
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Def a possibility for next life yes.
I have Wraps builds as well - This one is a Staff Build. I'd like to keep him that way so I can keep his inventory and bank relatively clearer.
I just vendored half of his wraps!
You mean Spinning Staff Wall isn't a useless Newbie Trap? {20 Seconds it lasts with a massive 90 second cooldown!} like putting more than 1 AP into Staff Lunge {and only reason to put 1 pt into it is to qualify for Vault!}.
I find Epics {N+H} rather boring and EE way too tough.
If I'm going to be running Epics at all I want it to be on a decent Build and I'm not sure this character is there yet {maybe on his 3rd Life} - Chances are he'll TR instantly at 20.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-26-2016 at 09:50 AM.