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Thread: CC - Items

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default CC - Items

    The items look about where they should be for lvl 24 gear. But other than the spy glass, it really does not seem to offer anything worth getting given lvl 28 is where most people in epic gear for. If you are on the ETR run, it will fill in some of your gearing holes at lvl 24.

    Having said that, I expect everyone to still run it when it is on live again just so they can get pirate hats and create cosmetic versions from them.

    Everyone will want a list of the CC items, but the tool tips are messed up, and do not give a good picture of tier 2 and 3 looks like. In some instances it looks like upgrading the item removes stuff and gains you nothing... augment slots are removed from tier 2 and are missing from tier 3. You really have to look and guesstimate what it will look like at tier 3 right now.

    Know the Angles in Harper is still giving a str bonus (like diving might) instead of a insight bonus to dmg and dcs. aka. if you are using int to dmg, it does nothing for you.

    Vanguard is meh.
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  2. #2
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by LordTigerDawn View Post
    The items look about where they should be for lvl 24 gear. But other than the spy glass, it really does not seem to offer anything worth getting given lvl 28 is where most people in epic gear for. If you are on the ETR run, it will fill in some of your gearing holes at lvl 24.

    Having said that, I expect everyone to still run it when it is on live again just so they can get pirate hats and create cosmetic versions from them.

    Everyone will want a list of the CC items, but the tool tips are messed up, and do not give a good picture of tier 2 and 3 looks like. In some instances it looks like upgrading the item removes stuff and gains you nothing... augment slots are removed from tier 2 and are missing from tier 3. You really have to look and guesstimate what it will look like at tier 3 right now.

    Know the Angles in Harper is still giving a str bonus (like diving might) instead of a insight bonus to dmg and dcs. aka. if you are using int to dmg, it does nothing for you.

    Vanguard is meh.
    Yes... I was not pleased by the Spyglass "Upgrade" A lvl 20 tier 3 Spyglass has +20 spot/search, +2 insightful int, +3 UMD and a green augment. The Level 24 tier one is +20 spot/search, +2 insightful int, and +4 UMD but removes the green augment. so my upgrade is +1 UMD at a green augment slot cost. The Tool Tip is unclear on whether I get it back at a lvl 24 Tier 3 upgrade. A lvl 24 "looks" like it should be +20 Spot/search, +17 OL/Spellsight +3 insightful Int +4 UMD, but might be reading it wrong. If the Green Augment slot is returned, It'll well be worth it for my build, if not, I'm not sure I'm going to bother.
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Argh yeah I can confirm the STR bug...its not just a display issue, Insightful Damage increased my base damage but Know the Angles did not.

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