finely made a good pet![]()
Your pet is stronger, faster, healthier, smarter, wiser, and more popular than you.
Perhaps the master and pet roles should be reversed![]()
I Cannith-craft (150 levels in all schools) for free on Thelanis if you provide all needed materials.
Getting Past Traps without Trap Skills | Musical Musings
I must admit, I'm totally unfamiliar with the pet thing. How do you get the stats up so high?
There are quite a few effects which add +2 or +4 to all ability scores of your pets (and hirelings), including a new one in Harper enhancements. He must have all of them put together (which is why even the pet's lowest stat is quite high)
Very interesting. Have you played around with it to see if *ahem* this particular dog can hunt? Viable as an actual companion while adventuring?
Could you give a breakdown on what the build looks like? Is it actually something that could be a viable build or does it require too much of a sacrifice in other areas?
Again, nice job.
the build has some fallows.
you have to be 20 lvl of druid.
For Animal Growth buff for pet(spell), and Pack Aptitude buff which adds is +10 con.
main resin is so the pet can Equip Shadowscale Armor Heavy Armor (Shadow Guardian) Augmented with +16 Physical Resistance Rating &+40 Hit Points.
>Heavy Armor give random prr basted on the class of the dog which changes every life{he a Ranger in the pic}
>so he git close to 75 to 91 prr this way
Thunder-Forged collar Augmented with +8 con & +8 str.
Augment Summoning + Past Life: Druid*3 = +10 state
trees (the sad part)
13 ap in Harper for Harper's Leadership + be in Magister (Epic Destinies) for Grand Summoner = +8 state
>twist of fate Natural Shielding witch give 100 hp and 60 prr (true try it)
ship buff
only had the con mix and Augment Summoning (i think)
Thanks for the reply.
How is the pet in combat? Is it worthwhile to trick one out?
Grand Summoner did not work for my Arti dog when I last checked. It is working now or just for Druids?
I haven't tested out pets on Lammania yet, but I was rather unimpressed with Pet performance in Epic Elite on live servers.
Pet Results in link
Reignbeautank - Argo Server.
If you have the Reignbeau character name on Argo server and want to trade it to me, please contact me.