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  1. #1
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    Default Chane one feat and *poof*, no more enhancement trees

    So I'm so very happy to get on lam and try out the much long needed Paladin changes. I decided to bake a new pally from scratch. I've been away from DDO for awhile so re-learning re-remembering the enhancement trees.

    So I go build all my trees, being careful to balance my choices within and among the trees. Oops, looks like I need Improved Shield Mastery feat for one of the enhancements and since I chose a path (to save time) the wise gods of DDO didn't seem fit to bestow that on me - no problem, I'll stop by Fred and have a little chat.

    So I take my feat and *POOF*, there goes both my Sacred Defense and KOTC trees and when I looked I saw the message that notified me that they needed to be zapped because they relied on a feat I was changing.

    I think it would be wise to place a choice box when you are going to lose 1 or 2 (or more) entire trees due to a feat swap. I can only imagine the surprise and dismay this may cause a player who worked hard over a long time to build his enhancement trees and suddenly they went away - at least in my case it was a) a test character and b) the trees and choices were fresh in my mind.

    Of course if there is some strong technical reason that this can't be done easily I understand, but if it is a simple matter, then I strongly suggest an ACCEPT choice box if changing a feat will cause the reset of one or more trees.

  2. #2
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    You don't "lose" the trees. You are just required to respec them. This is to prevent people from taking a feat, speccing the tree with that feat, then taking a different, more useful feat while still keeping all the benefits that depend on that feat. You can actually do this with the Unyielding Sentinel tier 2 ability that's supposed to require the shield mastery feats. And it's cheesy.

    Since normally respeccing costs either platinum or astral shards, this could be considered a feature, not an annoyance. Change a feat and poof, free respec.

    Worst case scenario, you have to click on your enhancements a few times. So it hardly seems complaint-worthy.

    And they do have an "accept" choice. It's not like the feat accidentally changes itself--you have to go to Fred, you have to put the feat in the selection box, you have to choose a NEW feat, and you have to hit the button. How many "are you REALLY REALLY SURE?!?!" steps do you want?
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  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    This has actually occurred prior to the Enhancement Pass. When a Feat was changed out that effected the enhancements available you are granted a free Enhancement reset. I think this is to prevent an issue of having an enhancement that requires a feat.

    This has also carried over to Epic Destinies, so if you exchange feats that are needed for some EDs like Improved Sunder or Cleave you will also get a free reset of the Epic Destiny.

    While this can be some what annoying, I feel the new enhancement trees makes if very simple to recover from, especially since it does not occur on a regular bases.

  4. #4
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    The behavior I was referring to, was that I went to Fred, did my swap, and then came back and the enhancement trees were blank. I would not have objected to being told I needed to reset them, I was surprised by the fact that they were reset for me before I could go review what I had.

    I just suggest something be added when a user chooses to switch a feat and it would cause enhancements to automatically be reset that they be warned prior to the switch so that they could be sure they wanted to do it - maybe they wouldn't want to if they realized it would cause a problem with their current enhancement selections, maybe they would want to take a closer look first - either way I still think the 'surprise" is not a good way to deal with the user.

    I am not asking for an "ARE YOu REALLY SURE" box, I'm just asking that the user be informed when the game is going to zero out one or more trees. I'd be happy if the initial question also mentioned that one or more trees might have to be reset. (I would only want that mentioned when such a case was true, of course.)

    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    You don't "lose" the trees. You are just required to respec them. This is to prevent people from taking a feat, speccing the tree with that feat, then taking a different, more useful feat while still keeping all the benefits that depend on that feat. You can actually do this with the Unyielding Sentinel tier 2 ability that's supposed to require the shield mastery feats. And it's cheesy.

    Since normally respeccing costs either platinum or astral shards, this could be considered a feature, not an annoyance. Change a feat and poof, free respec.

    Worst case scenario, you have to click on your enhancements a few times. So it hardly seems complaint-worthy.

    And they do have an "accept" choice. It's not like the feat accidentally changes itself--you have to go to Fred, you have to put the feat in the selection box, you have to choose a NEW feat, and you have to hit the button. How many "are you REALLY REALLY SURE?!?!" steps do you want?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    This has actually occurred prior to the Enhancement Pass. When a Feat was changed out that effected the enhancements available you are granted a free Enhancement reset. I think this is to prevent an issue of having an enhancement that requires a feat.

    This has also carried over to Epic Destinies, so if you exchange feats that are needed for some EDs like Improved Sunder or Cleave you will also get a free reset of the Epic Destiny.

    While this can be some what annoying, I feel the new enhancement trees makes if very simple to recover from, especially since it does not occur on a regular bases.
    I think I recall it being there in the past, but I figured it was still worth mentioning.

    I agree - "recovering" is easy if you are well versed in the enhancements and, remember your build and your choices - but I can see where new or more casual players could get very upset with DDO if they go to a lot of effort and find it just went away without warning.

    If adding a line to the current ACCEPT box (or using a modifiied box) when appropriate to let the player know that the current feat swap will cause one or more enhancement trees (or E.D.s?) will be automatically reset when you swap this feat is easy, I recommend adding it. If not, we'll all survive, but I felt the suggestion was worth making.

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