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You don't "lose" the trees. You are just required to respec them. This is to prevent people from taking a feat, speccing the tree with that feat, then taking a different, more useful feat while still keeping all the benefits that depend on that feat. You can actually do this with the Unyielding Sentinel tier 2 ability that's supposed to require the shield mastery feats. And it's cheesy.
Since normally respeccing costs either platinum or astral shards, this could be considered a feature, not an annoyance. Change a feat and poof, free respec.
Worst case scenario, you have to click on your enhancements a few times. So it hardly seems complaint-worthy.
And they do have an "accept" choice. It's not like the feat accidentally changes itself--you have to go to Fred, you have to put the feat in the selection box, you have to choose a NEW feat, and you have to hit the button. How many "are you REALLY REALLY SURE?!?!" steps do you want?