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  1. #1
    Community Member sollor's Avatar
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    Default mrr pet, Enhancements, Feats and Epic Destinies

    Are pets (Artificer and Druid) or any other prr ability getting mrr.

  2. #2
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Would be nice. Pets, on the whole, are pretty weak and past the mid-levels, not worth much except for pulling levers. I would LOVE to see a pet update, perfecting the arti defender, making the wolf pup not suck so much, and adding pets for the ranger. Maybe even familiars, but that's debatable.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by HastyPudding View Post
    Would be nice. Pets, on the whole, are pretty weak and past the mid-levels, not worth much except for pulling levers. I would LOVE to see a pet update, perfecting the arti defender, making the wolf pup not suck so much, and adding pets for the ranger. Maybe even familiars, but that's debatable.
    Yes, yes, but no....rangers don't need pets, this isn't WoW and they aren't "that kind of ranger"; Druid is. Rangers have Summons, which could be tweaked to give them some purpose or point other than absorbing 1 shot from a trash mob...but no pets for any current non-pet class.

    Pet classes are balanced for having a pet. Non-pet classes are not. It'd be like taking Rogues, as-is, and giving them SP and the Bard spellbook.

  4. #4
    Community Member HastyPudding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Yes, yes, but no....rangers don't need pets, this isn't WoW and they aren't "that kind of ranger"; Druid is. Rangers have Summons, which could be tweaked to give them some purpose or point other than absorbing 1 shot from a trash mob...but no pets for any current non-pet class.

    Pet classes are balanced for having a pet. Non-pet classes are not. It'd be like taking Rogues, as-is, and giving them SP and the Bard spellbook.
    You do realize rangers have animal companions in PnP, right? It doesn't have **** to do with WoW, mate (really wish people would stop freaking out about WoW and comparing everything to WoW). Apparently entire reason rangers don't have their animal companions in DDO was that Turbine didn't know how to implement them at the time, and instead gave them both the TWF series and various ranged feats. They instead got worthless animal summons.

    Sorry, but if you think rangers don't have pets you need to go back and read some more about rangers. They usually got their choice, like boars, wolves, bears, badgers, and even spiders.

    So, you think artificers rely on their pet for tanking? No. Maybe you should compare druids and artificers to WoW, too? No. So stop with that, already, it was old five years ago.

  5. #5
    Community Member Nayus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Yes, yes, but no....rangers don't need pets, this isn't WoW and they aren't "that kind of ranger"; Druid is. Rangers have Summons, which could be tweaked to give them some purpose or point other than absorbing 1 shot from a trash mob...but no pets for any current non-pet class.

    Pet classes are balanced for having a pet. Non-pet classes are not. It'd be like taking Rogues, as-is, and giving them SP and the Bard spellbook.
    inb4 someone says that DDO is based on DnD

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