Enhancement resets
I would like to see this process altered, to make it more user friendly. Were it similar to using a "Dragons blood" for example, allowing you a set time to make your choices or re-select them this would give more of an opportunity to experiment and explore all the options that are available to you.
Explorer areas
A countdown on mobs killed, and a reward for getting them all maybe. A game within a game.
Combat Log
As a normal user i just wanna know what killed me, in blood red letters, BOLD and italic with an underline. The volume of info that this log throws up that is of no use at all confounds me.
Weapons & Armor
Keep them in their own realm. No more thunderforged weapons to fight Harry, no more Drow weapons in the daylight.
A reason to play at level 28 longer
A percentage of xp earned at cap to be cumulative. 2% 10% 20%whatever, a reason to play your level 28. Then when i Tr i can cash in the xp i earned whilst level 28 and use it towards my newly tr'd toon.
All a quiver
The ability to tell my quiver...arrows only please.