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Overall, as much as it pains me to say it. LD felt the weakest. It's damage output was marginally better then DC but without the survivability. FoTW was a beast due to the large controlable criticals and some passive healing. I just could plow thru rooms with a Fury shot or chained melee Overloads.
After doing this I'm convinced that the nerf to Blitz was over the top. Blitz needs to be returned to a minimum of 100 MP with 10 counters to stay competitive. It seems the tree does not bring anything to the table but DPS, yet it does so anemiclly. As it stands right now, after using LD for almost 2 years, I will be dropping it for FoTW. I honestly can't think of a single scenario in which LD would be better enough as it stands right now, to go back to it.
Thanks guys. Discuss it up. I hope that the devs real my work here as it took the better part of a weekend to make these as they are my first vids lol!