Any test the shot onn the rune arm yet? Does it home in like the force ones or is it aoe? What r ur thoughts if u have tested it?
Any test the shot onn the rune arm yet? Does it home in like the force ones or is it aoe? What r ur thoughts if u have tested it?
Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.
Knives Eternal? Well this is just my own very limited testing, no promises as to accuracy...
I grabbed one and just fired it off a couple times in the Dojo....its a straight-ahead shot, not the fan-and-home type - similar to Muray's, from what I saw. Its a burst of several shots. Also don't know if it does anything special (ie, is it a line-attack AOE?) since I was just shooting at the floor.
I don't think its going to dislodge Glass Cannon from my offhand for trash killing (ie high imbues), nor Corruption for boss killing (ie actual charge and fire). It might have a use if you need it for Force spellpower and crit (ie Tac Det and BB). The imbue is essentially 2d10 + 1d6 Pierce, which is still less than Glass Cannon. The guard is self-defeating since you shouldn't be getting hit that much as an Arti. Unless the actual damage of the shot is exceptional, but it doesn't list its damage and its annoying to try and back-calculate that.