If you have it charged before boss fight you can start with few stacks which goes away (if you dont need to zone somewhere

).. this is ok and i have never really have problem with this , or you can even swap destiny if you want to do your best - i used to swap to fury for raid like fot and i was still able to do good job even with LD
This is not so true .. I did have great group full of instakill casters , hold and burst casters , shiradis , monkchers etc and did not have much problems to charge it up . It needs a little timing and maybe taking a little risk too - like i need to throw myself into group of mobs ahead of others .. i might die like a fool but reward is totally worth it ! I loved this and i have newer whined if i did not get my charges up or expired blitz ... so what .. it is my fault and i keep roling without it and WITH MY MOUTH SHUT UP ! I would be ashamed if i shout at anyone about my blitz .
Bosses ... ok , i agree . Multiple blitzers ... well , dont be greedy you can make quest much faster with rather two than one .. it have few IF .. if quest is ok for it , if other blitzer is not tragic etc etc you know you can even prepare few mobs for other blitzer with your going on ... it is called teamwork !
I did tryed previous 100MP version ant it was not my tea . And this ... 50MP .. really ?! this is garbage imho . And since you are leaving TWF behind i think it will be better to just switch to furry or divine crusader ... heck even now on live i am happy with them and with boost to them it will be even better and LD will be weaker and not so funny option .
You are boosting melee destinies .. good good , but in my opinion LD with blitz should be in range as it is on live - LD + epic levels + blitz = 250 melee and ranged power .. heck even 200 would be ok . This 120 or so is totaly "no, thank you"
Discouraged grouping? .. how ? Some whiner met a rude blitzer and here it goes ... people who are happy or ok with it keep their mouth shut and the rest cry loudly.
Last words : Yes i did played all destinies on live (epic completionist , no boxes) and Furry and Crusader were .. are great and fun to play ... also boosting weaker ones is great thing but on the other hand nerfing or drasticaly changing other one is bad step , also leaving ranged power for "later" is bad too