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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Searching for logon server

    I've been having an issue when trying to connect. I'll open the launcher and log in - All worlds are listed as "Up". I choose Cannith and start the game, only to see a "Loading New Game Data" message and get the same "Searching for logon server (Attempt x of 20)", which always fails. I'm able to connect from another computer on the same network with no issues. I've already checked all firewall/security settings and nothing has changed - I was able to connect yesterday, and only started having this issue today. Nothing has changed. I was able to get through to the character selection screen once, but got disconnected upon logging in(which is no surprise - that always happens to me once a day).

    Additional details:
    1) Disabling firewall and/or adding ddoclient to the exception list(it's already on it.) does nothing. The issue persists.
    2) Starting Windows in safe mode with networking does nothing. The issue persists.
    3) Restarting the computer, similarly, changes nothing. The issue persists.
    4) Running the game as administrator(I do that anyways) does nothing. The issue persists.

    Considering this only happens on this one computer and not my other one, and both of them are connected via wireless, I can safely say this isn't an issue with my network and is something with this specific computer. I don't know what it is, though - I can connect to the internet just fine, but not to DDO or any other game.
    Last edited by RastSekyd; 08-25-2014 at 06:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist
    The Hatchery
    Shadow7375's Avatar
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    Jul 2010


    I am having very similar issues .... Whereas for me I have no trouble to log in and play for an hour, sometimes even two ....

    But then I suddenly freeze in game, usually lose chat and voice and get booted after a couple of minutes.

    When I try to log back into the game I get what you described below. I have no clue why ....

    Internet works just fine, so I wonder if this has something to do with my PC?

    Does anyone out here have any idea or a clue what might cause the above?


  3. #3
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    having the same issue on the wifi network

    Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
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  4. #4
    Uber Completionist
    The Hatchery
    Shadow7375's Avatar
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    Jul 2010


    I don't run it on WIFI, but still have those problems. Still don't know what causes it though ....

  5. #5
    Community Member TBot1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow7375 View Post
    I don't run it on WIFI, but still have those problems. Still don't know what causes it though ....
    Same issue here trying to log in to Cannith. I can log into other worlds though.
    "So maybe it's about time we all get a reality check and realize that if you raid, run epics, and have capped toons and worry about ED's TR's and all that jazz, you are a small part of the population of this game, a very small part in fact." -- Ungood

  6. #6
    Community Member mkmcgw17's Avatar
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    Im stuck at installing pre-reqs. Worked fine four hours ago. Any suggestions?
    Theleb Karna

  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Installing pre-reqs is a part where a service in windows can get stuck and prevent connection. Just reboot the machine. I haven't nailed down which service, but it is most likely something that windows uses for something else, frequently, so ending it may cause more functionality to drop. Rebooting is safer.

    For the searching for logon server; Try setting up proxy settings in the launchers troubleshooter. There are bits of info on these forums for what to use. So I would recommend trying that. There may be something catching the connection tot he game, ruling it is a violation, and then booting it. The proxy should stop that.

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