I ETR'ed my Cleric some months ago and only recently have I started playing him again. I built him as a raid healer and a tanker when he stop being in off-destinies. Yet, even when I keep throwing heals throughout many quests, the melees still flinch back when they are hit. Due to having to heal all but 1 party on my SS Bard recently, and my stick build, I know healers are scarce.

Once ran with a FvS that I stood next to for 10 seconds waiting for a heal or cure. I finally got DoTed and died next to him/her. She was really quick to send a raise though, not even a second passed. I once apologized to the group for not sending heals because since we had a Cleric with reasonable SP and no damaging weapons, I thought he could heal somewhat. I've so far grouped with only 2 proficient healer on my Bard and melee characters.

Yet even with those experiences I cannot imagine why after 3 quests, healing you through them with deaths only in PoP, through boss fights where no one died, you still flinch. I kept throwing mass cures yet only one person actually got healed.

I know many people don't heal, but when you see someone throwing you heals throughout half the quest, perhaps don't flinch as much.