does the enhancement grant dwarven axe proficiency for dwarf.
does the enhancement grant dwarven axe proficiency for dwarf.
- Kalevala of Khyber- Suomi Funland Perkele -
after logging in to my dwarven EK on an alt server, I can confirm that EK Martial Training grants dwarven war axe proficiency
So does Master's Touch, rendering Martial Training somewhat moot.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Since this is in the wizard section I'll mention that I'm pretty sure that in undead form you are no longer a dwarf, and thus are not granted martial proficiency with d axe.
thanks for checking it out. I actually forgot about master's touch.
- Kalevala of Khyber- Suomi Funland Perkele -