Just one thing ... if there is no an Epic Unwavering Ardency with a GREAT skin, it will be an EPIC FAIL !!! No money for you and i ll leave the game
Just one thing ... if there is no an Epic Unwavering Ardency with a GREAT skin, it will be an EPIC FAIL !!! No money for you and i ll leave the game
i understun little, now after thunderforged weapons they dont want meybe make it outdated too fast, but Unwavering Ardency shold be on table, it just one bow , dont have to even make beat thunderforged, so many options, like make bow immune to damage anyting thats not undead and make it uber vs undead bow, just 1 exampe, its too nice item to remove it from list
kokaisa dc caster. .agrippe ranged. farim-1 monk. meatmountain full hate tank.boltergaist arti(retired pileon)
RENOWNED in thelanis
While I won't be using some of these items because of their ML:28 (They seem kinda pointless, as I can't find any reason to stay at level 28), I am a bit disappointed that there aren't really any undead themed effects.
Things like Vampirism, Incorporeal, Negative Healing Amplification and Boon of Undeath.
I would also have loved to see an item with 10% or 20% Healing Amplification instead of 30%. We already have four epic items with 30%, but only two with 20% and none with 10%. These are effects that remain useful at all levels.
Overall though, the items look nice. There's atleast three or four items that I would be using![]()
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to write up item feedback! We've read through the entire thread up to this point, and will hopefully have some more replies up soon.
For round two of Lamannia, not too many adjustments outside of bugfixes; this isn't due to a lack of feedback, just a focus on finishing other features for Round 2.
Last edited by Steelstar; 08-28-2014 at 09:30 AM.
When I saw those goggles with the +4 insightful strength I was really hoping something would have +4 insightful charisma. Would help free up one of my slots for something better![]()
The reply you linked is mostly a technical explanation of how Mythic works and the stacking question of Insightful. My snarky (not that much, just kidding) comment was more directed to have something like "Oh, THIS item is bad, we agree with you, we are going to change X Y Z" kind of replies.
Hope to see more replies and adjuments in round three.
Yes, though it may not be up on Lamannia yet in round 2.
I believe this is the first non-Raid item to have Assassination +4. Sounds like most of the properties you mentioned (the skill boosts) come from the Epic version, which in turn are upgraded versions of the Heroic version's effects. This is one of the items where we stuck somewhat close to what the Heroic one did; if there's a strong desire for that to change, we can probably do that.
It would make for a nice helm, but it would also make the two items very similar, especially since they're in the same slot.
1. We can certainly look into that, at least.
2. It should do less imbue than the Glass Cannon, which does more imbue damage than any other Rune Arm at the cost of -25% Fortification. As for Toven's Hammer, that does 2-16 per hit while Knives Eternal does 2-20. We'll investigate if it should be higher.
4. The effect on Knives Eternal is the same one as is on the Harness, so it would theoretically act the same. If it's not working for Ranged weapons, please file a bug and let us know which weapon(s) you tried it with, thanks.
The Strength and Constitution bonuses of Blood Rage stack with everything - If your character's built in a way that relies on Self-Healing via Magic (yes, we know that's a lot of characters at this point), this is probably not the best item for that character.
We may make some adjustments to the effects of Blood Rage, but the prevention of spellcasting while under the effect is likely to stay.
A few people mentioned the Boots as perhaps being a bit overpowered. We may shuffle a few of its effects around with other items.
We'll look into this, thanks.
Rare Encounters in the landscape drop ~2 Epic Tapestry pieces, sure, but the End Chests for the quest drop significantly more, especially on higher difficulties.
Masterwork Tapestry Shreds drop exclusively from the Raid, yes.
(First off, thanks to you and everyone else who did a full item-by-item breakdown; we really like that!)
Unlikely, at least for now (same with other proc effects listed in your post).
It's the first 150% Fort item, and grants the ability to shut down spellcasters, which hasn't been done much on items. Were there specific aspects of it that made it seem weak to you?
The Sheltering may be a bit low, we'll investigate that. That said, it may be the only Neck-slot item with Healing Amp.
Most Sheltering effects now include both PRR and MRR, this one included.
It's very utilitarian. This was an interesting one to bring into Epics, as the Heroic version wasn't a whole lot better in terms of the issues you state here; the direction we went was "As many immunities as could work on one item". It may be best as a swap item for some people, and that's probably fine. If any of you have suggestions about how to improve this item while keeping the spirit of the Heroic one, we're all ears!
This is the other item that many seemed to think was overpowered; it's likely to be toned down a bit, or swap an effect or two with other items.
More to come, just wanted to split this into multiple posts.
Well, this ought to open up around five Augment slots then, plus the two this Ring can have. Slot consolidation!
As said above, if you have ideas about how to keep the spirit of this item while improving it, please let us know here.
To paraphrase from earlier: There are INT-based casters who are not Pale Masters, and those can definitely use the absorption.
The Mithral property is planned to be removed from these armors. This may be present in Round 2 of Lamannia, not sure.
The Mabar armors' version has a much lower caster level.
Thanks again for all the feedback; there's a lot of useful information here.
We've still got our eyes on this thread, so please keep checking out the items on Lamannia during Round 2!
Okay, you like item-by-item breakdown. I like this reply-by-reply breakdown
Okay, I'm confused. Are you saying that this MYTHIC item comes from a quest and not the raid? I thought Mythic items were Raid loot only.
On the item itself: I noticed that the skills are upgraded from the heroic version. However, and I'm being totally honest, you may want Assassination +4 on ALL the time, while the other bonuses are SELDOMLY used and when doing so, you use a swap item. I would get rid of Skill bonuses on this helm and give them more Roguey stuff, examples:
Intelligence. Would couple togheter with Assassination VERY nicely. Very few +11 Int items for Rogue in this pack (or noone shall I say): Deific Diadem is a caster item, Epic Eye of the Beholder is not so good for Rogues. Either +11 Intelligence OR +3 Insightful Int (I might even go as far as +4 Insightful int) would be exceptionally (pun intended) good on this item.
Then I would add Improved Deception that would be a great addition (but that would make it similar to Dragon Masque) or, and this is my favorite, Doublestrike 12-15%, which would be awesome for Rogues and not only. But Intelligence should definetely come on this Helm.
Side note, since I noticed you mentioning to shuffle Epic boots of innocents abilities: Tendon Slice would be a niche ability to slot on this item on top of Intelligence and Doublestrike.
Keep in mind that, to wear this item, we are either losing the set from the Flawless Black dragonscale + Helm which is huge, or we are giving up the Dragon Masque.
the int based casters who are not pale masters are shiradi WF/BF and don't care about DCs
people who care about DC are either drow or sunelf, and thus they go pale master for self healing
unless it's meant to be a ring for artificers, that's another story
my idea is to put 11 wis on the eye of the beholder and 11 int on fanged gloves, would make tons more sense
Last edited by Alternative; 08-28-2014 at 01:00 PM.
Maybe make it have a debuff instead, similar to the one from Tensers Transformation? "Your spellcasting ability is reduced, resulting in a -2 penalty to all spell DCs, -2 to your rolls to bypass enemy Spell Resistance, and doubling the cooldown of your spells." That way the rage could still be something to watch out for (double cooldown basically prevents stacking DoTs for example), but not debilitatingly bad for a large number of players. If it stacked with tensers (and the one for druid while shapeshifted) that'd make it even more of a trade-off item for self-healers, while not crippling them completely as total spellcasting prevention would.
Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 08-28-2014 at 01:23 PM.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
...Ring of Unknown origins.
Replace Whirlwind Guard with maybe Freedom of Movement. Another suggestion that would immediately add viability to that item....remove whirlwind guard, the yellow slot and the green slot and add a purple and orange slot (I know...shades of red slots don't belong on rings). Reduce the drop rate. This ring would get farmed for.
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
The greatest issue is the constant exhaustion. It's just a terrible effect for epic play.The Strength and Constitution bonuses of Blood Rage stack with everything - If your character's built in a way that relies on Self-Healing via Magic (yes, we know that's a lot of characters at this point), this is probably not the best item for that character.
We may make some adjustments to the effects of Blood Rage, but the prevention of spellcasting while under the effect is likely to stay.
Please don't. If you're going to move some effects to other pieces it's a point less item to even look for. Gearing is a premium at cap - trying to fit in 2-3 pieces just for some effects is terrible. Either leave it as is with some minor adjustments or you're going to make another item which won't be used at all. I like the idea of an item that boosts the tactical feats. But hacked up it's another mediocre product that either collect dust or sold for plat. Seriously.A few people mentioned the Boots as perhaps being a bit overpowered. We may shuffle a few of its effects around with other items.
Drop rate seems fine to me, about 20-25 a whole run with I think 20 something for a quest. You could potentially unlock tier 1 in a full run with quests. Hopefully the masterwork tapestries drop in the 20's or so and not 10's. Unlocking tier 2 on something should take perhaps 3-4 completed raids (5 at the most). If it takes 10-15 times it's borderline silly.Rare Encounters in the landscape drop ~2 Epic Tapestry pieces, sure, but the End Chests for the quest drop significantly more, especially on higher difficulties.
Masterwork Tapestry Shreds drop exclusively from the Raid, yes.
Make it ALL immunity. As currently it won't be used. The only useful immunities on it can be had as augments. As far as a swap item it's not worth the inventory slot.It's very utilitarian. This was an interesting one to bring into Epics, as the Heroic version wasn't a whole lot better in terms of the issues you state here; the direction we went was "As many immunities as could work on one item". It may be best as a swap item for some people, and that's probably fine. If any of you have suggestions about how to improve this item while keeping the spirit of the Heroic one, we're all ears!
And if you split it up to much it won't be used at all. As with the boots; the main benefit is that it consolidates gear slots. I rather you toned down some features (but leave it as a strength item as is) - like removing the seeker part but keep the insighful seeker. If you end up removing some of the premier features and put them elsewhere you're making several weaker items and people simply keep their gear. Consolidated items are great. Split up and in weird item slot already with other good gear makes the item another item for the dust bin or the vendor.This is the other item that many seemed to think was overpowered; it's likely to be toned down a bit, or swap an effect or two with other items.