Unless it's to add +cha please leave the current version of fanged gloves alone, their a great item
Unless it's to add +cha please leave the current version of fanged gloves alone, their a great item
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Asking for a +4 will make devs go 'NO'. Asking for +3 might cause one to give a second look. Won't give a third, but a second is a lot more than none.
Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers
+3 makes it an alternative to existing items, +4 would make it a replacement.
Not having any +4 caster stats on the new loot makes me think, they want to add those later.
+4 shouldn't come on an augment before items anyway.
As Pol pointed out, with Epic Deific Diadem taking over the helmet slot for casters, the only place left we have for insight +3 are Intricate Field Optics. A +3 augment would be a quick fix to that and shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to implement.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
I want +4, obviously, but it seems that the devs do not want to give us even a +3. Minimum we need a +3. Better if it is +4.
With necro 4 we won't have even a +3 insightful if we want to use the new objects. So we need a new slot to put the insightful. And I agree with you that it should be +4, so all stats will be equally represented. But if they don't want to give us a +4, at least give us a +3!
An augment +3 insightful (not rare) would be fine too.
Last edited by Iriale; 09-18-2014 at 08:56 AM.
My DC cleric has smoke Greensteel gloves currently. 11 Wisdom on Shadowsight and 3 Wisdom on helm - OF COURSE, it's not like there is any other option.
It was THE item I was looking forward to, 11 Wisdom to ditch Shadowsight for old Con opp Greensteel, 10 % spell cost is the bee's knees ( OF COURSE can't wear 3bc goggles because there is no other 11 Wisdom item ), Blur and asf reduction.
One man's trash is another man's treasure
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKVn...wLuzB2Q/videos
I was just thinking about that as I was posting the comment.
It's quite interesting mechanic, raising effective dc with some smart play/spell book knowledge and without additional sp costs.
It's small thing but might reward little "combos".
Wish we had more stuff like this instead of universal idiot proof huge aoe damage+helpless combos. Less and less "spellbook spells" are of any practical use, it could be cool to have them additional debuffs / vulnerability or such.
Obvious combos like Enervation SLA > Finger, PWK the caster > Web.
Or Soundburst > Sunbolt > Implosion.
Pretty sure that Cocoon is Conjuration so Cocoon someone first > Comet![]()
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
I posted earlier that I was less than pleased with the changes to Mentau's Goggles. A number of other people have as well.
There was also a response that strength based builds are not the only dps builds around anymore and that an item per the new Mentau's Goggles, which accentuates a dex based dps build would be welcomed by a number of players.
Would it be possible to accommodate both groups?
We do have a number of items in the game now which drop in various flavors, would it be possible to do that with Mentau's Goggles? Perhaps 50% have the dexterity bonuses and 50% have strength bonuses? Or, You could also make a percentage with an intelligence bonus instead, in order to give something to those using the new Harper tree's Int to hit/dam. I'd think that realistically it should be somewhat less frequently occurring than dex or str, but I certainly wouldn't have anything against it getting a drop chance? Especially as I'm sure that I'll avail myself of the Harper tree myself.
Just throwing this out there as food for thought.
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Auras trigger the effect, a cleric using RS aura will only ever see conjuration DC's. Unless they can bust out two quickened necro spells between ticks.
Knives Eternal - fires faster just like I suggested - A+++ this is definitely usable now. (emitter on the knives would be cool, and knives instead of jewel rotators would also be cool, but you do what you can in the time you have, and if this is where it lands on live, it's still good, that's what glamering kits are for)
Seraphim -
I stated that the Eternal faith was redundant with Sacred and Hallowed - You said you would look into this - Now Eternal Faith is removed. The item got worse. I got punked
This is barely any slot consolidation and there is literally NO improvements to what can be obtained by level 24 other than Devotion in a head slot. This a good general item if people want to lose their Gauntlets of the Immortal and stop slotting devotion in a weapon, but that's about all.
It's a very fine balancing act that has to be played, I can respect that, but this needs something NEW, something SHINY, not just a gear-shuffle.
Things that don't stack are colored the same.
Sacred: ML1 Enhancement Bonus: Increases your effective level for turning undead by +2
Hallowed:ML1 Enhancement Bonus: Increases the maximum hit dice of turn undead by +2
Eternal Faith: ML5 Enhancement Bonus: Increases your effective level for turning undead by +2,maximum hit dice turned by +2 and total hit dice turned by +4
Silver Flame: ML3 Enhancement Bonus: Increases the total hit dice for turn undead by +6
Insightful Faith: ML? (Lv24 Item only) Insight Bonus: Increases your effective level for turning undead by +2, maximum hit dice turned by +2 and total hit dice turned by +4
So the optimum combo is Sacred, Hallowed, Silver Flame, and Insightful Faith for the best of all worlds... That being said - I can get all this at level 11 if I wanted to sacrifice the slot for it, and at 24 I can hotswap the torch if I need to turn something (Only zombies in EE Two Toed, everything else is either WAAAY too high by about 20CR in EE even on a MAXED (not joking) Turn Spec cleric, or I don't need the extra +2 HD from insight)
Now this begs the question, why are we still hacking this together when the system hasn't been scaled past level 5 until the exceptional TOD set and the Insightful Torch? Is there any way possible to make a new enhancement?
Hallowed, Eternal, Silver Flame, Sacred
Keep: Insightful Faith
Celestial (or Angelic/Heavenly/Seraphic) Faith: Increase Effective Level for Turning Undead by +7, Maximum Hit Dice Turned by +7, and Total Hit Dice turned by +7 (The 777 might be thematic if we're using pseudo-christian references like Seraphim which is literally translated from Hebrew as "Burning Ones") This lets you get rid of all that other junk, increases to everything, but not overkill (and still not enough to hit EE Deathwyrm Skeletons)
Also Add:
Radiant/Exceptional Faith: Exceptional Bonus to Maximum Hit Dice Turned by +3 (Same as ToD Bonus), Gain 3 Additional Turn Undead uses upon resting.
All this Sacred, Hallowed, Silver Flame, Eternal Faith, Insightful Faith nomenclature could be minimized with a big shotgun bonus, or it could be continued, frankly people don't play D&D for it's lack of archaic and mystical nomenclature, I think it's fine.
Other possible great themed additions:
Feather Falling
Leap of Faith Clicky 1x (Same as Cannith Boots, shared CD, Higher ML, one less thing to carry)
Eschew Materials (as the feat, straight from Epic Level Handbook for 20+ Clerics)
If you want to make clerics/paladins wet their pants for this item (and not just simply give a devotion headslot item for those who don't GAF about slots/consolidation/maxing out) then it needs something cool. Something different. Turn undead uses would be OK (But again, this is something on the TOD set bonus Radiant Servant, nothing new, and again, slot consolidation, nothing new, and would open a whole can of worms like "Why is my Ranger/Monk TOD Set bonus not on Item X now?")
Some Numbers: 39 is the highest Undead CR in EH right now and 76 is the highest in EE, 57 is the current turn max HD (Including all item bonuses including TOD Radiant Servant I bonus) )
Last edited by G_Lich; 09-20-2014 at 05:15 AM.
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor http://www.ddocast.com/
Unequipping/Reequipping a Runearm cosmetic gets rid of the chargeup sound
Unequipping/Reequipping the Runearm itself re-adds the chargeup sound
Players now effectively have a toggle for this sound if they want to make a glamered runearm for ??? TP
PLEASE DO NOT FIX THIS BUG - IT IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE... a toggle to turn that sound off would be cool though if it was in options alone.
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor http://www.ddocast.com/
The more I think about it, the more +3 insightful intelligence/+3 insightful charisma on that ring sounds like an actual item. Forget all your resists to poison and all other funk, just make it +3 int, +3 cha, upgradable slots and you have an absolute winner!
And please remove that radiant dawn effect from litany OR explain to us how the evilest book in the game somehow does light damage
Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers
Agreed. The item is an int and charisma ring in heroic so it makes sense IMO. Charisma +11 and in +11 would be the first thought but there is already a few of these items in the pack. Insightful +4 int and +4 charisma would be awesome but I'm not so sure the devs would go for that. 2 versions of the ring with either +4 int or +4 charisma would be cool but I would be ok with +3 of each on the same item.
Ermm *** is with the greater regeneration on the belt of thoughtful remembrance? 4 hp every 30 seconds? Cool, it will only take me 2 hours to regain my hp back to full. Seriously though, regeneration overall needs a rework. Needs to be something like 75 hp every 30 seconds or a few hps every second.
there is also a ring and a helm that they can use instead of either gloves
Caellwin on Orion server since December 2009
Am I reading right the upgrade options on runearm? Possible red and orange slot?
If so then this is bar none the best runearm. Obviously extra damage won't work(?) but something spellpower related and a meridian fragment would be ... well, great!
Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers