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  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandelia View Post
    I'm disappointed that the devs bowed to pressure on the Fanged Gloves as I was looking forward to having a new slot for wisdom. Why not add INT 11 with WIS 11? Why did you have to take the Wisdom away completely? You seem dead set on us using goggles for WIS 11 while giving other arcanes many more options to slot 11 CHA and INT, some with both stats on the same items. Throw the druids a bone guys!
    Also disappointed here. ASF reduction IS useful for divines, when you are UMD scrolling arcane spells. Meh.

  2. #202
    Community Member Irongutz2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabbler View Post
    No, really, they basically can't use the absorption.

    The percentage reduction to negative damage on new-style Deathblock items is a design failure, because players almost never care about reducing their incoming negative damage. They easily cast Deathward spells for 100% immunity to negative damage. In situations where you can't cast Deathward, it's probably not negative hitpoint damage you care about, but some other negative effect that's much more hazardous. The result is that the primary effect of Deathblock having negative absorption is to make those items bad for Pale Masters, not attractive to anyone else.

    There are numerous approaches you could try to make the Deathblock absorption effect practically helpful. Perhaps most obviously, it could have a chance to negate ability damage or negative levels.
    Its useful in deathwrym or when my deathward clicky runs out :P
    Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.

  3. #203
    Community Member Irongutz2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Devs, you tease us with maybe having the option of finally putting Wisdom in a different slot, then yank it away to put Intelligence in the exact same slot it is already available in, via the Gloves of Master Illusionist? Meanwhile, you're already giving the Int folks new slotting options via the ring in this pack.

    Do you really wonder why we think you hate divines?

    The combo didn't make sense, but leave the Wisdom alone, and replace the Arcane Casting Dexterity instead.
    The helm is better anyways
    Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irongutz2000 View Post
    The helm is better anyways
    raid gear vs bta stuff. apples / oranges

  5. #205
    Community Member Irongutz2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    raid gear vs bta stuff. apples / oranges
    Because ur not gonna run the raid?
    Most ppl call me Az. Captains crew on G-land.

  6. #206
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    prolly not. can it be soloed?

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    prolly not. can it be soloed?
    Ouch .... It must really suck to be on Wayfinder lol

  8. #208
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    Devs, you tease us with maybe having the option of finally putting Wisdom in a different slot, then yank it away to put Intelligence in the exact same slot it is already available in, via the Gloves of Master Illusionist? Meanwhile, you're already giving the Int folks new slotting options via the ring in this pack.

    Do you really wonder why we think you hate divines?

    The combo didn't make sense, but leave the Wisdom alone, and replace the Arcane Casting Dexterity instead.
    I agree that neither +11 wis or int makes sense, but what does it matter? Any divine who cares at all about wisdom will be slotting the helm. IMO, they should remove both the int, wis and arcane dexterity as none of these properties are useful.

  9. #209
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    I started reading through this thread and got to the walls of text .. so I honestly don't know if this has been discussed or not.
    Mithral and other armor that is a category lighter. This type of armor is designed this way to provide an advantage, and has been up until this point. In the new PRR/MRR system these items seem to have not been re-categorized. Please address this as it invalidates a lot of hard-earned gear and threatens a playstyle that has been around for quite a while. Please stop the evasion tank hate.

  10. #210
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    A lot of feedback has been given and not all the items are still up to a standard of actually being useful. A lot of these items are still junk and everyone has already pointed out what they are and they should be obvious.

    Items that are passable/good

    - Minos legens
    - Sanctified Gloves
    - Epic Litany
    - Epic Defic Diadem
    - Shroud of Ardent
    - Circle of Malevolence
    - Muffled Veneer
    - Eye of the beholder
    - Ethreal Bracers (lvl 25 loot has speed 15, why is a level 27 item speed 14?)
    - Epic Chord of Reprisals
    - Emerald Gaze
    - Fanged Gloves
    - Epic Mentau's
    - Boots of the innocent
    - Belt of Thoughtful remembrance
    - Epic Noxious Embers
    - Most the shields are passable
    - Inferno Bracers (not bad, but needs something)
    - Epic seraphim (cool slot for devotion I suppose but the turns don't even stack ....)
    - Epic Glimpse of the soul (enchant save and illusions save are garbage, rest is fine)
    - Epic quiver (this concentration problem just needs to be fixed, it hurts both ranged and casters)

    Needs work
    - Epic Purging the Pantheon
    - Epic Ring of Unknown Origins (disease and poison saves? you have to be kidding me)
    - All 4 of the armor slots
    - Epic Cloak of Ice (was adding fire resistance suppose to make this item useful?)
    - Locus of Vol(do you have any idea how bad bloodrage is? This use to be a wisdom necklace give us back the wisdom)

    This is my opinion on the items after they were changed a little bit and I have to say if you guys got rid of most the items I listed under Needs Work then no one would care/notice. 8 items I listed as basically **** and they need work badly. Do not introduce loot if no one in the game is going to use it! Sick and tired of the bs loot you guys try to give us like the Glorious Dawn and Master's Riposte from u19, it make you guys look desperate to try and give us loot that you know no one is going to use.

    The above may sound a little harsh but really those items are never going to be used. Please please please try and work on them.

    I will give a few suggestions that I would think would make these items slightly useful

    Epic Purging The Pantheon

    - Up the % of absorption to 20-30%
    - Add false life 50.
    - Keep the rest

    Epic Ring of Unknown Origins

    - Exceptional charisma +3, exceptional int +3 (this use to be an int and charisma ring and you took those properties away)
    - Get rid of the disease and poison saves (no one actually wants this)
    - Keep the rest

    Epic Cloak of Ice

    (a few different suggestions for this one)

    - Adjust the % chance for the freezing ice (if it was raised a little higher it would actually be desirable by melee, boost it slightly and it would almost be like having balance attacks)
    - Turn it into a glaciation cloak. 144 glaciation and 18-20 % crit chance
    - Give the cloak 2d6 cold damage per hit
    - Give the cloak crushing wave on hitting (3-5% chance)
    - And keep the rest

    Locus of Vol

    - Give it wisdom 11
    - Remove Blood rage (or maybe remove the slowing effect and give it as a +3 con and +3 str max)
    - Keep the rest


    - Don't have any useful suggestions TBH

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadion View Post
    Epic Boots of the innocent– Boots – BtA - ML 27
    Resistance +11
    Speed XV
    Vertigo +12
    Stunning +12
    Shatter +12
    Greater Heroism
    Tendon Slice 6%
    Upgradeable Primary: Yellow or Blue slot
    Upgradeable Primary: Green slot

    Really over the top. Lose the tactics bonuses. A cool idea would be to make them weak in and of themselves, but make them negate taint of evil so good characters could use Epic Litany by giving up the boot slot.
    Brilliant, making this remove Taint.
    And these boots definitely need rebalancing anyway.

  12. #212
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandelia View Post
    I'm disappointed that the devs bowed to pressure on the Fanged Gloves as I was looking forward to having a new slot for wisdom. Why not add INT 11 with WIS 11? Why did you have to take the Wisdom away completely? You seem dead set on us using goggles for WIS 11 while giving other arcanes many more options to slot 11 CHA and INT, some with both stats on the same items. Throw the druids a bone guys!
    Other then the stat those gloves were mostly worthless for divine casters and worthless for arcane casters. Now it's useful at least for arcane casters. I'm sure there's room for other wis based items in interesting slot, but to make what was arguably a arcane item with wis, seemed like a waste of time.

  13. #213
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadion View Post
    Epic Boots of the innocent– Boots – BtA - ML 27
    Resistance +11
    Speed XV
    Vertigo +12
    Stunning +12
    Shatter +12
    Greater Heroism
    Tendon Slice 6%
    Upgradeable Primary: Yellow or Blue slot
    Upgradeable Primary: Green slot

    Really over the top. Lose the tactics bonuses. A cool idea would be to make them weak in and of themselves, but make them negate taint of evil so good characters could use Epic Litany by giving up the boot slot.
    So you want to remove the stuff that makes these boots unique and that consolidate tactical abilities and add something that negate the taint so divine classes can use everything without any negatives? No thank you. It's nice to have a consolidated items for the ones that use tactical abilities. And I hope they never create an item that removes the taint; not everything need to work perfectly on everything.

  14. #214
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Noxious Embers needs one final power added: Potency 100

    Then, it'd be perfect.

  15. #215
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Great idea on the ring of unknown origins being +3 int and +3 cha.
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  16. #216
    Community Member K_0tiC's Avatar
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    Can we get negative energy absorption removed from the eye of the beholder and belt of thoughtful remembrance, feel free to leave the death block. This renders both items unusable by a pale master as they lower negative energy heals by the listed % also, or get the bug fixed either or would be great but as it stands PM's are excluded from any item which has negative energy absorption.

    How about insightful 3 or 4 int/wis/cha on the fanged gloves? Considering the raid +11 stat helm is going to make gaint hold +3 insightful helmets redundant this would cover that gap and keep all casters happy and allowing for a slight random on the stats meaning at least a few more run throughs, rather then people getting wanted item and never returning.
    The arcane casting dexterity is nice if you would like to move into light armour for bonus PRR.
    Though I'd happily give up casting dex & blur to see +4 insightful int/wis/cha.

    So 3/4 insightful int/wis/cha with magical efficiency sounds spot on.
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  17. #217
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K_0tiC View Post
    Can we get negative energy absorption removed from the eye of the beholder and belt of thoughtful remembrance, feel free to leave the death block. This renders both items unusable by a pale master as they lower negative energy heals by the listed % also, or get the bug fixed either or would be great but as it stands PM's are excluded from any item which has negative energy absorption.

    How about insightful 3 or 4 int/wis/cha on the fanged gloves? Considering the raid +11 stat helm is going to make gaint hold +3 insightful helmets redundant this would cover that gap and keep all casters happy and allowing for a slight random on the stats meaning at least a few more run throughs, rather then people getting wanted item and never returning.
    The arcane casting dexterity is nice if you would like to move into light armour for bonus PRR.
    Though I'd happily give up casting dex & blur to see +4 insightful int/wis/cha.

    So 3/4 insightful int/wis/cha with magical efficiency sounds spot on.

    We need other source of insighful int/cha. Now we have +3 insighful in a robe level 22 (waaay weak for lv 28), a trinket lv 21 (demonweb one, useful at level, but at level 28... nobody uses the ctiw weapons at level 28) and the gianthold/googles helm (and the googles are not a caster thing). All 3 items are invalidated by the new loot. Add at least a item with insighful int/cha/wis, please. The gauntles, the ring of the unknow origins... but add one item.

    negative energy absorption is terrible for pale masters. Is it not enough that there are not items that protect against light that are useful for PM? Light damage is really terrible for a PM, do not overload the pack with objects that decrease negative healing, please.
    Last edited by Iriale; 09-18-2014 at 05:54 AM.

  18. #218
    Community Member Iriale's Avatar
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    for a future pack, consider adding an end game item with enhaced ki. A pure monk has really difficult to get an object with this property, which exists only on two epic outfits (frozen tunic and spider-spun), and both outfits are very weak for level 28.

  19. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by K_0tiC View Post
    Can we get negative energy absorption removed from the eye of the beholder and belt of thoughtful remembrance, feel free to leave the death block. This renders both items unusable by a pale master as they lower negative energy heals by the listed % also, or get the bug fixed either or would be great but as it stands PM's are excluded from any item which has negative energy absorption.

    How about insightful 3 or 4 int/wis/cha on the fanged gloves? Considering the raid +11 stat helm is going to make gaint hold +3 insightful helmets redundant this would cover that gap and keep all casters happy and allowing for a slight random on the stats meaning at least a few more run throughs, rather then people getting wanted item and never returning.
    The arcane casting dexterity is nice if you would like to move into light armour for bonus PRR.
    Though I'd happily give up casting dex & blur to see +4 insightful int/wis/cha.

    So 3/4 insightful int/wis/cha with magical efficiency sounds spot on.
    Yes, this.
    Or give us +3 insightful augments that drop in the new raid.
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  20. #220
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    Yes, this.
    Or give us +3 insightful augments that drop in the new raid.
    Not sure why you just want +3, when STR, DEX, CON have +4 already.

    I don't understand this policy of "some stats will be higher than others, deal with it, kthxbye". I want an Insightful Charisma +4 on my Sorcerer.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

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