Please please please don't make these items upgradeable versions of the heroic versions.
Though from the looks of it, they do look like they aren't. So thank you!
Please please please don't make these items upgradeable versions of the heroic versions.
Though from the looks of it, they do look like they aren't. So thank you!
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
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Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
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You are missing the buckler with 10 con 10 chr on it from the screenshots.
Soulsavour 28 cleric completionist/epic completionist, Soundofthe Melodymaster 20 lock completionist/triple epic completionist (working on triple normal completionist), Holypoo 28 pally epic completionist, Edgeofshadows 28 rogue
It's morning, you should ignore my stupid questions in the morning
I expect most of them to drop in the same quest as they do in Heroic. Belt of Thought in Flesh makers, Ethereal bracers/cloak in the ice in Ghosts etc etc. All these items should give enough longevity to the pack.
One thing I'm afraid of is Raid loot. I saw some Epic Tapestries needed to be acquired at the Fountain of Necrotic Might. I hope 1) They don't go into a bag or into a bank and just kill the raid right away with you-know-what, 2) Epic Elite offers a good chunk of those and not just a better chance to get X of them.
i'm puzzled by the armors:
the medium one is mithral, wich makes it light and loose prr/mrr. (then again, who uses medium armor these days?)
the heavy armor could use a little boost, haste guard can be obtained in heroics and haste is standard issue on epic melee's
it could also use a larger max dex bonus, +6 dex mod is easy to achieve for a lv 27 toon.
This seems to be the case. Epic Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance for example was in the Fleshmakers end chest.
Edit: Not sure about the droprates. They drop in slayers, I really can't remember if they were in quests...
After 1 round of EE quests + 3-4 rare slayers in the area I had about 80 tapestries. You need 120 to upgrade.
They go in bags.
The ones you need for the green slots (Masterwork Tapestries) I have not seen so far. Might be raid loot.
Last edited by Eth; 08-22-2014 at 06:15 AM.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
=\. They need either to fix the bug or just don't let Tapestries go into a bag or bank. I see no other solution about it.
I'm guess the Epic Litany of Dead or any Epic raid loot will drop just as we see in the screenshots in the raid. And then you need 120 Epic Tapestries to unlock ONE Augments I guess? There could be a lot of farm involved if this is actually the case and there was no "something that cannot be named" around.
Still we will need tons of Epic items on any toon.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
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wow, the grind on that looks realy.....ugh
i'll check out lama tonight
5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai
Also, lol at the "will drop more frequently in EH and EE". We all know how this stuff works. Pretty sure they stated or are going to state that +6 tomes will drop in EE Raid as well sometime soon.
EDIT: I'd also like to point out that an upgrade path from Epic to Mythic, with the ingredients being obtainable only in EE, would work much better. EE players get their Mythics, EH players can still get their Epic one.
Soulsavour 28 cleric completionist/epic completionist, Soundofthe Melodymaster 20 lock completionist/triple epic completionist (working on triple normal completionist), Holypoo 28 pally epic completionist, Edgeofshadows 28 rogue
FYI for those curious on tapestries, you get 2-3 on each orchard encounter completed, and there's 19 out there... Great XP while having fun is always good - but those taps are going to be plentiful.
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor
I don't agree with that at all. I don't like anything in the game that causes a hiarchy that excludes lesser players from good stuff. I don't think any game ever intended for that to be a consequence. Just my opinion on that and I know it's probably not shared by anyone else but, so be it.
5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai
Last edited by harry-pancreas; 08-22-2014 at 04:49 PM.
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
A guildie and I ran EN Ghosts of Perdition and got 7 and 8 tapestries in the end-chest, respectively. So even a casual player could easily farm 120 tapestries in a few days. A hardcore player could probably farm them in one sitting.
As for rares, I received 4 from one encounter, but most gave 2.