See this post for some math.
I am not a mathematician but it seems on par.
See this post for some math.
I am not a mathematician but it seems on par.
Originally Posted by CordovanOriginally Posted by Jendrak
heres the problem with that post among a lot of the other math posts. at best, DDO math can be used as a guide. all it does is compare one thing to another and they are not the same. they are different styles of fighting. these kinds of posts compare what is assumed would be what a player would use without taking into account
play style
in quest buffs/guild buffs
not everyone builds the same, plays the same, uses the same weapons, chooses the same enhancements and fights mobs the same. there are just too many variables to consider to make DDO math correct. put an ESOS in a barbs hands and it doesn't automatically make him the best dps in the group. someone who uses Blitz doesn't automatically make him the best dps in the group. someone who copies and pastes FOTM builds from the forums doesn't automatically make him the best dps in the group. all these examples could mean they are the weakest link if they don't not only build for dps, but also know how to utilize that build for its max potential. I see it all the time on the forums that Monkchers are OP and SWF is better than THF and TWF, but its the abilities that people are really talking about. most players aren't going to be able to maximize and utilize the power potential. its the elite players that will benefit from it more than others. in all the pug groups ive been in since Swashbucklers and SWF has come out, ive seen some really good dps SWF builds (not necessarily bards), but none ive seen I thought were over the top good. same thing with THF. there are pros and cons to each fighting style, but im not seeing that much of a difference to say TWF is far behind the other styles.
now that Lama is up, we will see how good this melee power is and if its something that really should be added to TWF. ill be on there myself checking some stuff out, so if there really is a proxy nerf, ill be right back here changing my tune. if not, than ill hold firm with my stance.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
any1 read this from lamannia relase note ?
Tempest : Dance of Death now has a 15 second cooldown, so Melee Dual Wielding Attack: Deals +1/+3/+5[W] damage. Your basic attacks when dual wielding strike 2/3/4 targets per swing instead of one for 6 seconds with 15 second cooldown
The Growing Storm now has a 30 second cooldown Melee Dual Wielding Attack: Attacks an opponent. For the next 5/10/15 seconds, each time you damage an opponent you gain +1 damage for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times.
u cry about: what about Two Weapon Fighting? but give me reason bk again to ranger and stay TWF. good job Dev's i waiting for this
That's the same fallacy that's been posted a bazzilion number of times. The damage model proposed here is *not* meant to represent actual ingame damage output to the number.
Throwing in player skill, environmental factors and similar things is just absolutely unnecessary and ruins the purpose of a damage calculation. All these things will affect different builds similarly, therefore one can simply eliminate the variable and
get a more accurate number.
Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
No kidding which is why I let other do the math check it quick see if it seem on par but then compare it to what I experience in game. My wife and I duo everything except raids...guess what even though I have all gear great for my main melee, drowpesh etc etc you name I now , especially in heroics which is 2/3 of the game, use thf weapons. Guardian needle, carni, sos as it beats twf, lol my gs lit khops stay in the tr cache too
Only time twf is better is if you want to kill things tediously one at a time. We gather them up and mow them down and yes at level or under on elite. if you really want to balance the fighting lines they need to be balanced by themslves regardless of any build. After that if a build is way OP then it is not the fault of twf or thf or swg but the various builds themselves that needs looking into.
Lots of the OPness is due to muticlassing itself but that's another problem..
Last edited by SilkofDrasnia; 08-21-2014 at 05:35 PM.
Originally Posted by CordovanOriginally Posted by Jendrak
Formerly known as Absolute-Omniscience, co-creator of the old DPS calc.
Using your math and backtracking, adding 20 melee power to twf would put them at 306.0825, which is still a bit behind. You also don't take into account someone w/ +10% offhand strike enhancements, which would give you 284.33625. If you give twf 20 melee power AND 10% off hand, you get ~319.6775
What I'd actually recommend is knocking the 20 Melee power bonus from swf off, which brings swf down to 278.21065
THF would still rule over aoe, swf would be slightly higher than twf w/o enhancements, and twf would be slighlty better w/ investment
a couple other alternatives I'd consider:
adding 10% offhand strike chance to PTWF- would get everyone up to 90%, some up to 100%
make ptwf require twf-takes 5% doubletstrike away from SWF
knowing when to use abilities in mob fights that increase damage
twitch skills
knowing to move and hit or making mobs dizzy
sneak attacks, even when you are not a rogue
killing faster than you need healing
a dps calculation is only good for knowing what gear you are wearing, what enhancements and feats you are taking, what weapons you are taking, etc. a dps calculation doesn't take into account buffs or mobs you will be fighting because you wont always be buffed to the gills or using the same weapon all the time. a dps calculation is just going to give you a general idea of your dps potential.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
And if you really "skillful" you do not need to hop around and wiggle and just stand there and kill em all. I presume you are talking about EE here at least I hope so...
Having basic experience to know when to smite or not when to cleave or not when to pop a heal scroll etc etc has not much to do with the discussion, it has more to do with if you suck and then any build OP or not will not help you till you learn better.
A dps calc gives us an indication on whether the various builds will acerbate any problems.
Originally Posted by CordovanOriginally Posted by Jendrak
In my opinion, DPS math is a crude estimate at best and at least for me does not reflect actual effective DPS in game at all. For example, all the math I ran suggested that S&B should have the lowest DPS of any fighting style, yet for me and how I play I can run quests as fast or faster with a S&B build than I can with a comparable TWF or THF build. If you only look at the math you will miss a great deal of how it actually plays.
if you want to avoid getting hit you move around. standing there swapping blows for maximum damage isn't always a smart way to do it unless you have the dps to kill fast enough and the defense.
speaking of smiting, ive seen players waste boosts on single target trash mobs and smite elementals. this is where player skill is most important because you need to know when its the best time to maximize your damage. having to stop swinging to switch to a heal scroll is a loss to dps. having to stop to heal period is a loss to dps. some of this does tie into general play skill, but if you want to see the difference between THF glancing blows while moving and the doublestrike of TWF than skill is very much important to the discussion.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
Help me out and explain what it is used for. As I see it, any model that assume a single target, ignores weapon procs and AOE affects, and assumes attacking 100% of the time (no movement / healing / etc) has too many short comings to be useful for much. On the other hand, trying to capture everything quickly leads to an overly complex model loaded with assumptions making it very difficult to actually model what real play will show.
Whats your point? Like I said having basic experience of when or not to smite etc etc has to do with someone sucking as a player and not much to do with if the fighting lines are balanced.
When having this discussion it's just common sense to discuss on the basis we have experience and know how to play. You're taking this discussion and then trying to apply individual twitch skills and other things which should not factor in, you are just reaching trying to prove you are right.
These things should not factor in when trying to balance the fighting lines it's very simple to understand.
I mean common if someone spends his time chucking tornadoes around, it affects balance in a sense, it shouldn't factor into this should it?
Last edited by SilkofDrasnia; 08-21-2014 at 06:32 PM.
Originally Posted by CordovanOriginally Posted by Jendrak