How so? The number one mechanic that came out of the MotU update was "kill everything twice". It could have been a good mechanic, if using your brain was a viable option. Instead, the devs went out of their way to make sure the mechanic could not be bypassed by smart play in many instances. There are places where a priestess has two slaves readily available for sacrifice, but even (smartly) freeing them beforehand does not prevent her from sacrificing them. In others, there are multiple necromancers raising each other so that you cannot (smartly) kill the necromancer first to prevent him from zombifying everything. CitW is easily the worst offender. There is no way around killing everything twice. From what I understand, it's the mistresses bringing everything back as ghosts in that one. So you either kill stuff just for them to bring it back or beat on the priestess until she sacrifices it and you have to kill her twice - except now with DR
I'm all for mechanics that reward smart play. The MotU mechanics most assuredly did not. Instead, they frustratingly seemed to reward smart play, but it was a ruse.