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  1. #1
    Pirate Cursed
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    Sep 2009

    Default "The Connection to the server has been lost"


    I have been playing DDO just fine for quite a while, but the internet where I am is dodgy at best. I recently lost connection while I was in a dungeon (The Sunker Sewer Quest on elite I believe). The game closed with a "the connection to the server has been lost" message. That is fine. I waited until internet came back on, and enterered DDO again. It works fine until I click on my character and the laoding into my spawn point starts. But the status bar does not move at all and several minutes later is closes the game again with the same message "the connection to the serve has been lost." But my internet is fine, it is obviously connecting through all the stages before then. What happened? And how can I fix it?

    I'm afraid it's because the game is trying to bring me back into the dungeon and can't. Is there a way of remotely changing where I spawn at without being in the game?


  2. #2
    Community Member Mybor's Avatar
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    Default You are not alone

    I am having the same issue.

  3. #3
    Community Member Quazi's Avatar
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    diddo. Something is happening after the new release and is messing with or not compitable with our system now.
    Rhum Ancoke 20 sorc, Nerff 18 sorc TR,
    Dalanar 20 wiz, Rhumm Ancoke 12ftr/6rang/2monk
    Quikie Zargood 8rog/6rang/1monk,Mardi Gras 13pally
    Iwent Kablooey 11rog

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Exclamation Same Deal

    I gettin the same issue, just mine only seems to happen when entering or exiting an area, I take a quest, click on the door, goes to load, but the load br don't move, it just stops, and after a few mins just comes up lost connection to server, but yet, i got the best internet pack thru rogers, only comp in the house and im using ethernet, so there's no reason why it should be losing connection

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Default Same thing here

    Been only playing for about a week or two and everything was going fine, but the past few days have been really annoying. Spend 10-20 minutes trekking my happy little butt across an open area towards a quest dungeon, killing everything along the way, just to reach the dungeon and get the "Loading...please wait", with a noticeably absent loading bar, and a few minutes later a very obnoxious BLUM and a little pop up window stating "Connection to the server has been lost".
    I log back in, and my little lass is chewing cud in the local town...the one I just spent 10-20 minutes walking away from. So I head right back out and repeat the same obstacle course of enemies again, and again, and again, because it's freaking guaranteed that once I reach where I want to go, the loading bar decides to go take a smoke break.
    Luckily, the loading bar is now being nicer and disappearing right after I character select and not after 20 minutes of game play. Isn't it being sweet?

  6. #6
    Community Member Skaldrom's Avatar
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    Default Same here

    I have it on two computers, one with nforce, one with intel NIC. It works for an hour and then suddenly no connection anymore for a few days in varous stages (Login, Character display, game loading).

    This is no fun.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    since the server maintenance on monday, i've been having connection issues... disconnects on loading screens, higher packet loss (from a usual 0-0.2% to 2% at best and 8% on bad times)

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default Same Issue

    It happens to me as well almost to an extreme unable to really do anything and really no reason why.. has tech support been able to help any of you out or show you a way to fix the problem?


  9. #9
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    I just DLed the game today, and the same has been happening to me...about every 20-30 mins, everything just stops and a few seconds later I am disconnected and about 60 seconds later sent to desktop. When the game works, it plays well, with little lag and packet loss, but it has consistently kicked me off the game all day. So I am no help, since I have had the game only one day... but yes, it's happening to me as well.

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Default Tech

    I sent the issue to the tech people and actually got a response back that next day (woot)
    Sadly, it didn't help because I'm not in charge of my network and my college I.T. squad is composed of poo-flinging chimps (I hear one of them got promoted to a baboon, but I don't believe it). So, I figure it was fun while it lasted, but I'm going to go read a book or do some homework.

    If any of you are at college, your internet may be suffering from stupid-monkey-syndrome like mine.

    Here's the message from the DDO support peeps. It might be helpful to someone.

    "As you detailed connecting at a school please check with the campus I.T. dept in regards to connections that use "Encrypted UDP Packets" on ports 9000 to 9013 and 2900 to 2913 and if they are aware of any issues these connections may experience. Detail that the game uses inbound and outbound connections using "Loose" UDP routing (eg. packets go out on port "X" but may return on port "Y").

    Also ask them if they have instituted any form of traffic "management" or bandwidth "throttling" or other "fair use" policies recently. Many schools and commerical ISP's have begun these policies to limit or prevent file-sharing or peer to peer usage of their networks and since the games connection appears the same (from a networking standpoint) it too is affected.

    Typically this type of connection loss is due to security settings or network configurations in place prevent return data (packets) from getting back to your PC and the game client "times out" awaiting a response that never arrives. Unfortunately if your school is unable to configure the connection to better support the game or are preventing it outright there may not be a configuration or settings change we could recommend that would improve the games ability to connect."
    Last edited by Elivia; 10-26-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Cedrica-the-Bard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elivia View Post
    "As you detailed connecting at a school please check with the campus I.T. dept in regards to connections that use "Encrypted UDP Packets" on ports 9000 to 9013 and 2900 to 2913 and if they are aware of any issues these connections may experience. Detail that the game uses inbound and outbound connections using "Loose" UDP routing (eg. packets go out on port "X" but may return on port "Y").

    Also ask them if they have instituted any form of traffic "management" or bandwidth "throttling" or other "fair use" policies recently. Many schools and commerical ISP's have begun these policies to limit or prevent file-sharing or peer to peer usage of their networks and since the games connection appears the same (from a networking standpoint) it too is affected.

    Typically this type of connection loss is due to security settings or network configurations in place prevent return data (packets) from getting back to your PC and the game client "times out" awaiting a response that never arrives. Unfortunately if your school is unable to configure the connection to better support the game or are preventing it outright there may not be a configuration or settings change we could recommend that would improve the games ability to connect."
    Just got off the phone (for the second time) with my internet provider and they confirmed that none of these are a problem, ports are clear, no peer to peer limitations.

    I hate to be the one to tell you Turbine, but this is definitely on your end, not ours.

  12. #12
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    My roommate and I have been having the same issue ever since we downloaded the game a few weeks ago. Always occurs when switching zones, going into a quest area, etc. When it happens we can't log back on to that character or any others for 5-10 minutes or so. We don't live in a dorm and our network is entirely our own. I've even disabled my firewalls and spyware filtering in an attempt to fix it, which it did not. Hopefully there is someone that can assist with this exceptionally irritating problem.

  13. #13
    Community Member ArichValtrahn's Avatar
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    Happens to me too. Generally after 2 or so hours of gameplay. My internet connection is still working - browsing random sites and such. If I reconnect immediately I normally continue to have problems. Wait a few minutes and everything is back to normal. My NIC is made by Atheros.

  14. #14
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    Getting the same disconnects here on three machines, two WinXP machines and a Vista machine. Game was pretty stable when we first started, but last few days it's gotten unbearable. Disconnecting every 5-30 minutes, some times it takes multiple attempts to get back in. We really love the game, but some thing has got to be done about the disconnects as it's making the game almost unplayable. I'm pretty sure it's something server side as we don't all three disconnect at the same time, it's not uncommon for two to stay solid while the third gets booted and takes 5-10 minutes to get back in game.

  15. #15
    Community Member Skaldrom's Avatar
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    Default Solved for me

    Lucky me, I have got the issue resolved: It was my router. I had every port unfirewalled and routed (for udp and tcp), but the symptoms did not change. For a last resort I unplugged the whole thing and plugged the net directly into the comp: And everything went smooth from this time onwards, not a single connection problem.

  16. #16
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    Default and another one bites the dust

    i just downloaded the game last month and it ran perfectly but then one day after the update it just stoped working its been 3 weeks and iv had a tech (my dad) have a look at it and he cant find anything wrong it keeps freezing and giving me the "lost connection to server" message on the screen before the character selection then sometimes it lets me select my character then freezes once im released into the game

  17. #17
    Community Member
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    Default Argh same issue here

    Had this happen only once in the last week since downloading but 3 times today Not fun!

  18. #18
    Community Member
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    Ive been playing the game for a week or so and have been enjoying the game. I have a high spec computer and internet connection and everything has been fine up untill an hour ago. I traveled from the market to harbor and the other side i couldnt walk forward. The game was running but i couldnt move from where i had spawned. I could turn and kinda jump, but could chnage weapon or anything. I waited 5 minutes and tried to log off and it wouldnt do anything, so i quit the game. Restarted computer and guess what? the game gets stuck at the loading screen and after a few mintues pops up saying "could not connect to server".

    Tried to play multiple times and keep getting the same message. Very strange as my computer is running fine and my internet is also fine. I thought the server was down for updates or sumthing but apperently not.

    Any help would be good, i was really getting into the game.

  19. #19
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    Just installed the game today, and keep getting this issue too. Sometimes it happens right after character select. Zone into the world, wait for it to finish loading... can't move, get kicked. And sometime it will get beyond the zone in, but a few minutes later I cease being able to move, and the connection drops out. Frustrating.

  20. #20
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    I had been getting this problem ever since I installed the game.

    Game will load properly, I can start playing. But after 15mins or so, my character will become stuck. I cannot jump, and obviously cannot move. However, I can still swing my weapon and turn around in place. I can see people running around for awhile. After awhile it will say "Chat server disconnected" followed by "Chat server reconnected" then I will lose connection with server and get kicked out of the game.

    Very simple fix. Problem was I was being connected via cable and also via wireless at the same time. I turned off the wireless receiver on my comp and just used the LAN cable. After that, no problem ever again.

    I did not have to disable firewall on my server or do UDP configuration or port forwarding etc. Just a very simple fix. Use the cable, turn off the wireless. Try it and see if it works for you.

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